Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Awe, thanks! I have always been more of a positive person. I like to always think that everyone is really good at heart!! ;) This gets me into trouble sometimes. I always get lectured by passing shoppers when I leave my purse in the cart and turn my back on it!

why is it quoting all this??? AHHH!
Becky, you must be a really sweet person. Always finding the good in people. :)

Yes!! I can't wait for the high 80's!

I hate math, but want to know where she's at. And I just love that kid!
Good night! I gotta go too! I am going to attempt to begin exercising tomorrow! Yikes!! Gonna try to get up at 6:30. I don't usually get up till 7:30 or 8, so this will be interesting! Night!!
well I got to go to bed. I have to get up early. Doctor appointments tomorrow. Talk to you later . Kisses and hugs to all. Night night.
Goodnight, everyone! I am still at werk....
But I get to go home in about 45 minutes and I have the day off tomorrow to do more building on my new duck pen - yay! I'll put up progress photos.
OK, I was just curious. My oldest would be a great candidate for homeschooling. I would love to have her in a Christian Private school, but the only one here isn't state accredited and it pretty pricey.
Our school district is rated 3rd in the state and is excellent, I just would do it to teach her at a faster pace and to eliminate the "smut" she comes home with. You know the deal.

I don't know all the details of what she is doing, but the school we go through will show up on transcripts as "New Covenant Christian School". Looks just like a real school (and is accredited) because it is considered a non-traditional private school. We are accountable to them for our curriculum, monthly grades, days and hours taught each month, etc. We teach 180 days and do standardized testing every April. The school has a great reputation in the area, and if I were to take them to enroll them in a public school, they would be accepted no problem.

Colleges are actually looking more for homeschoolers now than they used to. They have a good reputation for being self-motivated and perform very well.

Again, don't know her details, but that is where we are at right now! :)

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