To ship or not to ship chicks? GreenFire Farms


Jul 1, 2020
Small town in Western Washington
My Coop
My Coop
Hello everyone, a friend of mine and I are working to add a few more exotic breeds to our farm to hopefully breed and sell next year. We've had our eye on Old English Pheasant Fowl from GreenFire Farms for a few months now. We finally got hatching eggs a couple months ago, but only ended up with 2 chicks out of the batch of eggs. One of which failed to thrive. We were happy to at least have one, though that isn't ideal for breeding. We were raising her and one show quality Serama that was also the only survivor of a hatching egg fail together, and hoped to find mates for them next year. Then after all the effort of bidding and bidding on eggs, hatching them, and raising the chicks, the neighbors dog would be the end of those lines for us. :(

Now, a few weeks after that experience, we are considering getting chicks shipped from GreenFire Farms. 4 OEPF, and 4 Flarry Eyed Grey's. We're excited to get these breeds but I'm very concerned about shipping. Is this is a good time to ship chicks? What have everyone else's experiences been this year? I know its always a gamble, but I'm worried about this year specifically with all this crazy going on. Has anyone else gotten chicks from GreenFire specifically? What were your experiences? Really hoping to avoid another tragic episode.
The post office has been slowly resolving some of their issues. Last year and the year before they were in total chaos and things were taking twice as long to arrive. I would worry about the eggs being bumped around scrambled more than the weather.
The post office has been slowly resolving some of their issues. Last year and the year before they were in total chaos and things were taking twice as long to arrive. I would worry about the eggs being bumped around scrambled more than the weather.
Got it. I’m considering getting chicks shipped, we tried eggs last year and had a poor experience.
I've ordered hatching eggs twice, from 2 different hatcheries. Both times for broody hens to set on. Neither attempt ended with chicks and I cannot fault the hens. They did their jobs.
Shipped eggs are not good for broodies because of air cell issues. I got shipped eggs and hand turned them and I still had wobbly air cells.

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