Tolbunt Polish

crappy pics but here are some of the tolbunt chicks I got Friday.

Some have more pronounced poofs on their heads than do others. I will try to do more this week.

They are adorable! Can't wait for more pics
Well at least you have eggs to try with. My pure tolbunt is a year old and is not laying. Every time I think she is I pen her and no eggs. She is at least thinking about it occasionally and sits in a nest....THese may lay before her at this rate! LOL

Lol I hope your wrong! Could she be laying and they are egg eating?
ok, I need some expertise. This is my first year with adult polish roosters and I am ready to cull one of my tolbunts. He is so mean, he chases me along the fence line when I go to see the girls and he tries to attack me throught the netting. I don't tolerate this behavior in my chickens because my kids are very involved with them. Am I limiting myself too much if I cull him? I also don't want to perpetuate this horrible behavior. I was going to breed him to my GL hens and then take the pullets from that and cross to my favorite tolbunt roo. If these were your birds and both looked equally nice, what would you do?

oh, dh thinks I should cut him some slack as he thinks the weather is affecting him, thinks the heat has driven him into overdrive
. To me, mean is mean...
ok, I need some expertise. This is my first year with adult polish roosters and I am ready to cull one of my tolbunts. He is so mean, he chases me along the fence line when I go to see the girls and he tries to attack me throught the netting. I don't tolerate this behavior in my chickens because my kids are very involved with them. Am I limiting myself too much if I cull him? I also don't want to perpetuate this horrible behavior. I was going to breed him to my GL hens and then take the pullets from that and cross to my favorite tolbunt roo. If these were your birds and both looked equally nice, what would you do?

oh, dh thinks I should cut him some slack as he thinks the weather is affecting him, thinks the heat has driven him into overdrive
. To me, mean is mean...
Ugh! Mean is mean to me too! You have two nice Tolbunt roos? Because really nice Tolbunts are hard to come by...I would let him breed for a bit...hatch as many eggs as you can from that mating....make sure you have pullets from it AND another good mean roo..mate pullets back to your other good roo....dont leave yourself with one roo....just in case something should happen to the good roo...always keep the backup...This is what I would..Im sure some may dissagree :rolleyes: Sorry you have a polish boy was an idiot too...wcb 4 years ago...I offed him for it!
well, I can't say "nice" to standard, just looks nice to me. Not sure if the tail angle is good etc. I will get a pic of my nice roo, he has a little more white than the other but they look very similar in body shape. I doubt I will be able to get pic of the meanie, maybe I will try to get one through goes...
here is my nice boy, he is pretty friendly and it was hard to get a pic because his "brother" kept trying to attack me and he didn't want to go near him. I don't remember his tail angle this high, and it looks like he has lost some tail feathers.

here is mr. meanie
they both have nice cavernous nostrils and nice combs. I am new to the polish so I am not sure what else is important...
here is my nice boy, he is pretty friendly and it was hard to get a pic because his "brother" kept trying to attack me and he didn't want to go near him. I don't remember his tail angle this high, and it looks like he has lost some tail feathers.

here is mr. meanie
Ahh they both have nice qualities..the nice one has a tad too much white but a darker hen with him could even it out...he has nice mottling..The mean roo is darker oj shoulder and tail area but again...nothing a lighter hen couldnt help fix...I personally like it when the tail stands tall;) he needs more mottling...i would still do what I said..but thats me;)
Lol I hope your wrong! Could she be laying and they are egg eating?

No I am pretty sure not. I finished building a pen just for the two of them that they can stay in so they will go in this weekend. It is possible that she may have laid one yesterday as I got more polish eggs than I have yet this spring although still not enough to be one from each.
ok, I need some expertise. This is my first year with adult polish roosters and I am ready to cull one of my tolbunts. He is so mean, he chases me along the fence line when I go to see the girls and he tries to attack me throught the netting. I don't tolerate this behavior in my chickens because my kids are very involved with them. Am I limiting myself too much if I cull him? I also don't want to perpetuate this horrible behavior. I was going to breed him to my GL hens and then take the pullets from that and cross to my favorite tolbunt roo. If these were your birds and both looked equally nice, what would you do?

oh, dh thinks I should cut him some slack as he thinks the weather is affecting him, thinks the heat has driven him into overdrive :/  . To me, mean is mean...

I am having a similar issue. I have a GLxtolbunt roo who attacked me a couple of weeks ago. We seem to have an agreement now that I don't walk up to him too fast so he has time to get out of the way without seeming to be backing down. I am going to pen him up and hold off on killing him as I only have one pure tolbunt roo and I too do not want to throw him out...there are so few and they are so hard to get. I just got 8 chicks though so if there is a nice roo in there he may be toast.
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