Tractor Supply Chicks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brand new to chicks so really didn't know what to look for at TSC. We wound up with 5 bantams ( don't know what kind - 3 are blackish and 2 are yellow). We also bought 5 red production and 3 light brahma. Have a few with pasty butt but other than that all are doing well.
When TS had bantams last year they were labeled as Assorted Straight Run - I think if you know what hatchery they are coming from you can see what they had available that week and make a guess from those breeds.
You cannot go by the spot though especially with hatchery chicks because the quality is not the best or the same as a breeders,there are other features to look at like the leg wash color,you should see a lighter yellowish color on males and a darker charcoal wash on females but even that's not 100% accurate.
This makes more sense then. I have two barred rocks straight run. One has darker feet all around while the other has lighter feet with a dusting of charcoal, and the white spot isn't defined at all. The odds are that's a roo right?

Also I have what appears two silver laced polish bantams. Exact same birds but one has a darker beak than the other could that be a definer of the sex as well
Don't know anything about polish laced bantams jjust large fowl
And can lonely tell you what I've seen sometime it works and sometimes it doesn't good luck.

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Will do. Out if my 12 chicks you'd think the odds are that I have at least one roo. My little girl asked me if we can hatch eggs. This all started from them asking to raise eggs now it's going to a new level
One little, two little, three little chickens, four little, five little, six little chickens...... Ha Ha
Yup, that's how it starts
Hey the way I look at it,like I tell my wife when she gives me a hard time about too many chickens I just remind her im home every night and not a drug addict or alcoholic,my addiction is chickens it's harmless "right" haha.

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