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This is day 22 for my Trader Joe eggs under my broody, Penguin. So far, nothing. She is pretty mellow about me poking around so I did that just now and didn't see anything happening. I'm picking up some chicks to give her today. How long should I leave her on the eggs?
This is day 22 for my Trader Joe eggs under my broody, Penguin. So far, nothing. She is pretty mellow about me poking around so I did that just now and didn't see anything happening. I'm picking up some chicks to give her today. How long should I leave her on the eggs?

Mine went 23/24 days...
The double is my TJ hen's first egg and the bigger single is from one of my year old hens.

Funny, the bullseye on one of the little yolks looks like a fertilized egg, no? It can't be though since I have no roos.

Shortly after this pic, my husband proceeded to destroy the egg by attempting a sunny side down. :th

It is quite the challenge to find fertile grocery store eggs up here in Oregon. I picked up these last week and after candling tonight I had 10 infertile, 1 too dark of a shell to tell, and OMG ONE BLOODRING!!! Ok, I guess that's not the best results for grocery store eggs, but wow, that does give me hope to try again.

I have called several places and asked and they all thought I was crazy! Still haven't found any : (
The double is my TJ hen's first egg and the bigger single is from one of my year old hens.

Funny, the bullseye on one of the little yolks looks like a fertilized egg, no? It can't be though since I have no roos.

Shortly after this pic, my husband proceeded to destroy the egg by attempting a sunny side down.

Yum... you're right about that bullseye...Your neighbor got a Roo?

BTW... one of the chick's comb is turning pink and it's not even 2-weeks-old... Need a cockerel?
if you're near the Oregon border the raleys in Yreka ca has fertile eggs. Winco also has them in ca.

I'm in Portland... we have Wincos up here but I haven't checked them out. If I can't find any, it might be for the best... though it would be fun to try! I am overrun with chickens as it is, but at least my Seramas don't take up too much space!
@Cyberous just went back to the March post to check out your first hatch.  Looked great.

Since these are my first TJs, what signs to determine sex should I look for?

Sorry for such a late response I'm traveling again Im currently in tennessee. I'm not the best at sexing chickens. I gave away all my roosters to even out my flock (4white hens and 4 red hens) and three weeks later I find out one of the hens becomes a rooster. :/

the only true way to find out if you have a rooster is wait until it crows, some just develop faster than others.
:p On the left is my biggest layer, a red star named Goldie who is almost 1.5 yrs old. She's been laying huge eggs that barely fit into a normal egg carton (the lid won't shut). On the right is Vanna's first egg! It was small, smooth and perfectly cute. Below is the same egg, but placed on a white sheet of paper so you can see it's slightly off-white. She's layed 3 eggs so far! I think the 2nd may be a double yolker.
Cool! My reds aremthe sale age as my TJ, but I have one red that produces a double every teek or so and another that produces a fart egg every week or so. However the TJ eggs are always consistant, thats what I love about these production layers! :)

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