Trader Joes & Other Grocery Store Egg Hatching Club - Are you a Member

It has been hot here so I am luck any eggs made it. the momma hen has been loyal to her eggs due on mon/tues. one from a store and 2 from a local hen.

Up date, the local hen's eggs are 1-2 days more advanced than the store egg (local hen eggs pipping and peeping, store egg not in air cell yet). I will pull the babies as hatched and make the mom finish hatching the store egg then give them back at night when all are hatched.

Sometimes chicks of a certain strain just hatch early but sometimes it is from a little early incubation as multiple hens sit on previously laid eggs as they prepare to lay their own. In a cage free egg house as soon as each egg is laid in the box they roll to the back onto a conveyor belt and are sent to cold storage pretty quickly with no chance for extra incubation.
Thanks for the advice. I have hatched many birdies and know the drill. the eggs were from diff batches, and who knows if the store egg will get past it's shrink stage.

that is what I call this stage. other chicks are zipping.
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This is kinda funny. so I hatched these 2 chicks,( these are the eggs I have been waiting for), the top pic was a diff batch of chicks I hatched but looked very similar. I thought it was these guys and posted then looked at the pic and thought there is an extra leg here, and freaked myself out, then realized I grabbed wrong pic. Ha,ha!
Go Chickie!
It has been hot here so I am luck any eggs made it. the momma hen has been loyal to her eggs due on mon/tues. one from a store and 2 from a local hen.

Up date, the local hen's eggs are 1-2 days more advanced than the store egg (local hen eggs pipping and peeping, store egg not in air cell yet). I will pull the babies as hatched and make the mom finish hatching the store egg then give them back at night when all are hatched.

Sounds like a good plan! I noticed momma stayed maybe one more day on her remaining eggs after chicks hatched.
Good luck.

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