Trader Joes & Other Grocery Store Egg Hatching Club - Are you a Member

I live in Tacoma WA, only TJ's is in University Place and they dont carry Fertile eggs. Any WA people know of another store locally that might have em? Maybe Seattle?
I live in Tacoma WA, only TJ's is in University Place and they dont carry Fertile eggs. Any WA people know of another store locally that might have em? Maybe Seattle?

Hi Dwuska! I live in Redmond, and the best place I can think to check are the local farmer's markets. Oh, also I got my eggs from a wonderful man in Puyallup, but he breeds ducks, not chickies.
Hi Dwuska! I live in Redmond, and the best place I can think to check are the local farmer's markets. Oh, also I got my eggs from a wonderful man in Puyallup, but he breeds ducks, not chickies.
Ya know I was wondering about that. What constitutes fertile eggs? If I find someone selling farm fresh eggs that has hens and a roo roaming about would it be safe to say the eggs are atleast likely to be fertile? For that matter I have a few Red jungle fowl laying eggs but a Polish Crested roo... what would the children be like? lol

Try asking them for the fertilized eggs. My local store ordered them just for me.

Yeah, they said they wont carry them due to health concerns. Or atleast that is what the guy on the phone said. Last time I checked store clerks dont get USDA certified though.
Well they do it at trader Joes and off brand health food stores. It says fertilized right on the box.
If they are white eggs I would imagine them being Leg Horns. If brown, maybe some kinda ISA brown.
Thinking about jumping in again! I hatched out 9 TJ's in December (out of 10 set) and my Australorp Skittles is broody again. Hubby wants to wait her out, I want to give her some eggs to hatch. What to do what to do.

Well, it's been a while! I've been needing to follow up about how my grocery store chicks are doing! I hatched four, gave away the two cockerels, and kept the two pullets. They started laying creamy beige eggs (a couple of shades lighter than the ones they hatched from) three weeks ago. They've hardly missed a day - every morning, the two eggs are waiting. I can really tell they're from egg-laying stock, because my purebred hens were never able to crank out an egg every single day.

One is all white, and the other (Dotty) has some reddish coloring around her head and chest, and a couple of gray back feathers. Both have white earlobes and yellow legs. They were very friendly when younger, but are a bit more skittish than my EE now. Still, they will eat from my hand.

They're not fancy, but they cost a lot less than purebred eggs, and are little egg-laying machines!
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