Trader Joes & Other Grocery Store Egg Hatching Club - Are you a Member

Hi, folks. Brand new member, here. I've had chickens for a few years, currently have five hens in my little backyard flock, all purchased as chicks. One of them got broody last year and it was awful for months. So when she went broody again a couple weeks ago, I decided to find her some fertilized eggs. I couldn't get any locally, so I bought some TJ fertile eggs and put 4 under her, thinking she might hatch one or two. I've never hatched eggs before. On day 4, I wasn't sure if they were developing, so I put 2 more under her. I candled yesterday and ALL SIX are developing! This is Day 12 for the earlier eggs and Day 8 for the later ones. I realize now I shouldn't have added more eggs, because they likely won't hatch at the same time. And if they do...well, six more chickens is rather more than I have room for! At least there's a good chance I'll get a pullet or two, and I have a country friend who can take any roos (I live in a no-roo zone). Nothing quite like leaping before you look... ;P

Woohoo, congrats! And welcome to BYC :)
I have officially joined the club! I got my incubator today and bought some TJ's eggs this morning. I also got 16 eggs from a local breeder(different breeds of eggs. Have some Welsummers, an EE, an Oliver Egger, Marans, and 2 little Black Tail Japanese Bantams.) I also have two Tolbunt Polish eggs that I'm REALLY hoping will develop. But I'm so excited for the Trader Joe's eggs, I can't wait to see how many will develop/hatch. I picked them up this morning, they'll be set once they're at room temperature(giving them at least 12 hours)
11 days to go on my TJ eggs. I candled them, and 5 are doing well! The other 2 were clear. Can't wait! A friend bought some after I talked about them and set them under her broodie hen, so hope hers hatch as well!
11 days to go on my TJ eggs. I candled them, and 5 are doing well! The other 2 were clear. Can't wait! A friend bought some after I talked about them and set them under her broodie hen, so hope hers hatch as well!

Yay! I just set mine an hour ago, I would definitely be happy with 5 chicks. :) Can't wait until I can candle on day 7.

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