Trader Joes & Other Grocery Store Egg Hatching Club - Are you a Member

After replacing in my chicken addiction while living somewhere I can't have them I have built and incubator and store bought eggs! I can't keep anything that may come from them, but will enjoy for a few weeks before selling. It should be enough to tide me over until our lease is over!

They're currently on day 3. 11 Trader Joe's and 8 NutriFresh from Green Pastures. I also discovered Wild Harvest from Albertson's were about 50/50 on the fertile bullseye when making breakfast this weekend. I may build another to try those out ;) Oh the things you'll do to keep chickens in your life! Counting down the days until we can have a full flock of our own!

Welcome to BYC, Penny! I had given up chickens when we move to our currnet house 17 years agom but started missing them a lot a coupe of years ago. I talked Hubby into building a coop behind the shed so I could have 3 or 4. Now I have....ummm...lets just say a few more than that....
. When they are in your blood, they are in your blood...
We have development in 7 of the 11 trader joe eggs! I had miscounted (counted the day I set them as day 1). So today is day 3. They had obvious veins starting! I'm so excited to see anything considering they were 2.5 weeks old when I bought them. I was candling with my iPhone light so I couldn't really see in the brown eggs. I feel like a giddy school girl right now!
Also the nutri-fresh from chino hills farms are all duds. I bought another dozen and cracked a few that were infertile and kept going to see if and were good. Nope! So I took a light to the 4 day old ones and could see anything but yolk and decided to crack a few. All infertile. :( disappointing! But my trader joes are going great and I just set 22 farmers market eggs as well.
My mind is blown! Sorry for the pic overload but this amazes me! Going to leave them alone for a few days except one I'm going to candle daily for my son's class. Pics from day four Trader Joe's!
Hi all! Thought I'd revive this thread. I hatched out some Trader Joe's chicks several months ago, and they went to a friend of mine. She just sent me a picture of one of the roos. This is a TJ's chick, but it ended up having brown on it! Anyone else seen this in their TJ's chicks? He's so pretty.


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