Trader Joes & Other Grocery Store Egg Hatching Club - Are you a Member

Try local organic grocery stores and farmers' markets to get fertile eggs. You will do best with fresh local fertile eggs, but if you can't get them, consider getting fertile eggs that have been shipped a short distance. Take a look at the buy-sell-swap posts on this forum, too.

I thought I was good at telling. Looks like a bullseye to me but this from that vital farm pack. Only fertile one if it is.
Possibly joining the club...after 2 different visiting people said they'd get me TJ's or WF's eggs this past weekend (I don't live near either of those stores) and it didn't work out (1 said his local TJ didn't carry the eggs marked fertile and the other person just bought regular eggs), I decided to stop at a local Farmer's Stand and pick up a dozen in the hopes that they're fertile...cracked one and we seemed to see a in the 'bator they went! We'll see!

The brand of eggs is Yellow Bell Farm in the Hudson Valley in NY.

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