Trapped a Neighbor's Dog on My Deck....Got an Earful

I had heard there is a new electric fence collar for dogs. It keeps zapping them until until they get back in the yard. Maybe you could suggest that it might help smooth things over. Maybe...probably not... worth a shot. (no pun intended)
cracking up wrote: Wow Ivan - you're harsh!

Not at all. If the dog is on the owner's property it is a `good' dog. I'll compliment them on their fine `specimens'. If the dog is on our property it is chicken eating vermin no different than a blood sucking Northern Fowl Mite and will be dealt with summarily.

One of our neighbors (had to call because their dogs were chasing the deer through our woods and stacking them up in the corner of the fencing down by the road) asked if he could shoot our chickens and turkeys if they wandered on his property. I told him that if our velociraptors harassed/injured/killed his dogs I'd reimburse him for the cost of the bullets, pay all vet bills/replacement costs, pay any required civil settlement for depriving him of the right to use and enjoy his property as he saw fit, and provide him with a bottle of barbecue sauce to grill the birds. I also told him that I expected the same courtesy if his dogs got our chooks and turks, though I wouldn't require the barbecue sauce.​
They sound like real winners

Hope thats the end of it
Not at all. If the dog is on the owner's property it is a `good' dog. I'll compliment them on their fine `specimens'. If the dog is on our property it is chicken eating vermin no different than a blood sucking Northern Fowl Mite and will be dealt with summarily.

One of our neighbors (had to call because their dogs were chasing the deer through our woods and stacking them up in the corner of the fencing down by the road) asked if he could shoot our chickens and turkeys if they wandered on his property. I told him that if our velociraptors harassed/injured/killed his dogs I'd reimburse him for the cost of the bullets, pay all vet bills/replacement costs, pay any required civil settlement for depriving him of the right to use and enjoy his property as he saw fit, and provide him with a bottle of barbecue sauce to grill the birds. I also told him that I expected the same courtesy if his dogs got our chooks and turks, though I wouldn't require the barbecue sauce.


Very nice!
I like Ivans reply about telling the nieghbor about the traps and poison he has on his property. It is not threatening but lets the nieghbor know that his dog could suffer if not kept in his own yard. It is not a good idea to threaten anybody. Now what if one of your other nieghbors decides to take out the dog? You will get blamed. What you should have done is just said to the son to try and keep the dog in your own yard. If the dog shows up again, do what you feel you have to do and don`t say anything. When the nieghbor "asks have you seen my dog" you say "Nope"
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Why no barbecue sause? Do you have some special sause you use?
Not at all. If the dog is on the owner's property it is a `good' dog. I'll compliment them on their fine `specimens'. If the dog is on our property it is chicken eating vermin no different than a blood sucking Northern Fowl Mite and will be dealt with summarily.

One of our neighbors (had to call because their dogs were chasing the deer through our woods and stacking them up in the corner of the fencing down by the road) asked if he could shoot our chickens and turkeys if they wandered on his property. I told him that if our velociraptors harassed/injured/killed his dogs I'd reimburse him for the cost of the bullets, pay all vet bills/replacement costs, pay any required civil settlement for depriving him of the right to use and enjoy his property as he saw fit, and provide him with a bottle of barbecue sauce to grill the birds. I also told him that I expected the same courtesy if his dogs got our chooks and turks, though I wouldn't require the barbecue sauce.
It is not a good idea to threaten anybody. Now what if one of your other nieghbors decides to take out the dog? You will get blamed

For the record, the ONLY threat made came from the neighbor, not us. All DH said was that he would deal with the dog according to how we are legally entitled to deal with it. That is not a threat. That is a statement of fact, not a threat. If that doesn't keep the dog at home, then what happens happens.

A dog who roams can be lost, stolen, hit by a car, shot, etc, etc. Of the dog disappears, they can blame all they want. I don't care. The law is on our side in this one if we had to "cull" it but a roaming dog who disappears could have gone any number of ways. If he disappears, they'd be stupid to assume he came up here when he could be anywhere. He's been all over this neighborhood on many occasions. No telling when or where he'll meet up with trouble if he gets out again.

If they were rational, they'd consider themselves very lucky after this incident. The dog could already be dead or at the pound and the kid, who is a legal adult, could already be in jail. I'm really not seeing how lying about poison on the property is any better than lying about killing the dog. When I was agreeing with John's advice, I was meaning the human aggression accusation carrying more weight than just the killing chickens accusation.​
Cyn, if you haven't yet, file a report. You need to have that on file in case the kid goes whacko, or there is another dog incident. Also report what the father said. Cover ALL the bases.
My DH did this with some threats against our foster son, and it was a great deterrent to another incident once it got around the neighborhood that we had gone to the police with the threatening letter.

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