Trapped a Neighbor's Dog on My Deck....Got an Earful

Specled Hen --so sorry for u.

I have a gun permit and my DH has a online gun shop & is a 100% disabled marine.I learned to shoot before I married. That said I have never shot a living thing. We don't hunt. Try to be good neighbors. I would only use my gun if my life or families' were in danger. I would shoot warning shot at dog unless attacking. I think Speckled Hen is going the high road & I applaud. My son gave me alot of grief growing up to the extent that we installed a reverse burgular system to keep him in so we could keep tabs on him.We had some neighbors that were understanding some that weren't.The bible says (paraphrase) if u bring a child up right , he will return to it. Well mine has...he now counsells those with addictions. The father probably appreciates ur support & can take care of the situation .I would still file a report. I gave up trying to protect my 4 chicks outside. I just put their coop in my garage & march them in each night. Their tractor/pen is for daytime use only.I kept reading about how useless locks, windows, and doors were. So... prayers that all ends peacefully.
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Hey Guys! OOOOH RAHHH... Give that Marine a hug for me... Old "Rebel Roo" is only 30 mins up the road in Camden... send me the address to his website... Wade
Please be very careful , I hate to add more stress but everyday on the news you hear about some disgruntled employee that goes postal and shoots up everyone at work , whatever. Given this punks short fuse, he may not make it to work before he goes bonkers. He sounds like a bomb ticking.For gosh sakes how did he end up with a job where they process chickens??
My son descended on us today and we didn't get a chance to talk to the neighbor, but the dad just called us on the phone. DH's voice and manner was very quiet and calm (infuriatingly so...he is so good at that, darn it).

The jist of it went something like,

N'bor: I hear xxx was up at your house a couple days ago.

DH: yes, he was.

N'bor: Did he hurt anything?

DH: No, we had just put the birds away. We closed him on the deck so he couldn't get to the chickens. He was up there barking at us and we called your house to get your son to come get him.

N'bor: My son says you said you were going to shoot him.

DH: Here is exactly what I said:(then DH proceeds to recount the event just as I told you in the first post)

When he got to the part of telling him that his son said that if we shot his dog, he'd bring a shotgun up here and kill every one of the birds, N'bor said, "I'd do the very same thing".
He isn't horrified in the least that his kid made the threat of gun violence, not at all. That tells me exactly where the kid gets it, sadly. Astounding. Just astounding.

DH said every other sentence was "Please don't kill my dog, he's my best friend, please don't kill my dog". DH kept saying, I don't want to kill your dog, I really don't, but if he comes up here and attacks my chickens, I'm going to defend them".

N'bor: well, if he killed a chicken, I'd pay for it. (yeah, sure. Some are rare, endangered breeds and some are older than his dog, too. All are pets)

It went on and on with my DH just listening, for ages it seemed. I was wondering why he didn't say anything about our legal rights to kill the dog, his son's possible incarceration for carrying out a threat of slaughtering my chickens. DH said, with his frame of mind, I was not going to inflame the situation, but it made it clear the course of action we will take if we have to use deadly force.

On a positive note, the dog is being kept in the house until mid week and the son has instructions to walk him on a leash a couple times a day. He admitted that the dog sails right threw the invisible fence and yelps a little, but it won't keep him in, so he is having a chainlink fence installed (complained that he really couldn't afford it, like it was our fault he was having to spend the money).

My first thought was good, but then, what if the dog is a digger or climber, not being used to being contained? I don't consider the matter resolved, not with his attitude.
Cyn, wow just wow. you need to file that report on the son's threats ASAP! I tell you what, if the dog comes up on your property again and doesn't hurt anything, call animal control...And/or spray it with skunk spray or pepper spray. Do something to deter the dog from coming to your house, AND something that will get the message to the neighbors that he's still coming over and you're serious about taking action. If he kills a chicken, shoot him but i would go ahead and get game cameras, or security cameras to get evidence IF they do retaliate or anything of that nature. I hope it doesn't come to the dog's death or their retaliation.


to son and father. *sigh* how do people not understand that YOUR animal is YOUR responsibility and if you fail to do that then someone else will take care of the problem for you.

Take care, my best wishes and I hope everything goes peacefully and they keep the darn dog HOME finally.
Cynthia; well, some people are just stupid. But I wonder what spurred him to call this many days later. He's probably agravated that he has to spend money on a fence for his son's uncontrollable dog. At least he seems to be attempting to keep the dog under control. I wouldn't consider the matter resolved either.
If the dog becomes a fence climber or a digger, please let me know- I can mail you an electric fence charger and if you can get the wire it may make a nice offering- i understand the situation with the neighbor is NO win really but perhaps err on the side of caution for your birds and your own sanity?
Sorry that you've got a passel of idiots instead of the one, Cyn (have been following thread but was waiting for the `cough, cough' `response' from the neighbor).

I've only the same advice that I keep repeating: The dog did not attack the poultry, the dog came after the humans. It doesn't matter that the yard is strewn with poor, dead, chooks. "No, officer, the dog attempted to bite me when I got between it and the chickens"

Shoot the dog, call the cops and stick to the story (dog coming after humans allows for a far wider range of legal options than a trip to small claims court for the `cost' of some pullets...).

I'd box it up, shoot it, drive it down the road and run over the carcass a few times (loose dogs are road kill waiting to happen, anyway).

Just talked to some folks up the road about a month ago (dogs on our property, but no where near the birds). Let them know that their dogs looked to be very nice and please keep them home because we have leg-holds/snares and poison out for the foxes and coyotes and I wouldn't want anything to happen to the dogs (keep the ball in their end of the court).

You and yours take care and keep a camera handy (if it comes back).

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