Trapped a Neighbor's Dog on My Deck....Got an Earful

Boyd -
That would be my take too. I have 2 cousins here in the Sheriff's department and so I keep up with one on the drug dealer next door who keeps giving me issues, but I for the most part (for the safety of DD, myself, and my animals) I ignore him, but I have game cameras, a security cam with audio (courtesy of cousin hehe) and what not, while they are building a huge list of felony charges on him and what not - so to not aggravate a delicate situation I do just ignore his vocalizing idiocy except when he starts up when my DD is with me in the yard. He came up on the porch one day about 2 months ago when this whole neighbor war started and was b'ing and cussing his head off - my dad (who is very soft spoken, easy going, etc) just told him to leave and that no one was going to even look at his dog anymore (this is what it started over - his dog a blue heeler whom he purposefully lets loose and keeps on a poor quality cheap chain so she gets loose all the time) anyway for the past week he's been egging me on trying to push his buttons because he knows I'm putting a fence up next month and it pisses him off (heh) and so he purposefully crosses my property line, goes through my drive/parking lot (my house used to be a old country store, so parking lot is right in front of house on road) and he I THINK not sure, hit my car...I turn around grab my .44 magnum out of the house (conceal and carry permits rock for legality purposes and country living out here is a huge plus with our laws hehe), piddle around where my chickens are (close to that property line) and he comes crossing right back about 10 minutes later, I look up, and he is giving me this 'evil eye' (Now look I am 22, and he's 32ish? and got about 40 lbs on me and 6" atleast in height) I tell him calmly with a 'go to he!! look' - "Daniel you need to stay off this property, I'm tired of your crap" He gets this affronted look "Oh yeah, well what are you going to do about it *bleep*?" Come around the little tractor coop, have my .44 on my hip, and give him the 'well what do you think look' "I'll deal with you any which way I please, and not bat an eye" He goes on and starts cursing, starts coming towards me (originally 30 feet away, he gets 15 foot) I pull the .44 off my hip and let off a round in the ground between us. I swear I never seen someone about swallow their tongue and look more like a frightened dog with their tail their legs in my life. He shut up real fast and took off then. He now knows my 'big talk' in the past, wasn't big talk at all. I went next door behind me where he father lives and told his father whom I adore that I just told Daniel in no uncertain terms whats going to happen to him again if he threatens me or tresspasses as we have an restraining order against him when he pulled a stunt when I first moved here.
He isn't supposed to be within 50 yards of me EXCEPT when he is at his him and his brother's property or his father's property. Needless to say he got a visit from a sheriff's officer after emailing a pic of him coming over the property line.
Hey' Cyn ya do what ya gotta to protect you and yours.

Had a situation here nearby where the woman and her son came home and found a guy/kid in the house and he attacked them. She shot and killed him and I hope she sleeps at night. Shouldn't feel no guilt.

Folks always complaining why the cops had to shoot the guy. I say cuz he was an idiot that's why!

'Sides I dont' see no tazzers for sale at K-mart!

Just hope it don't come to that.
Haven't talked to him yet. He was cutting his grass when we drove out to get something at the store. Tom waved and was ignored by the dad so the kid probably spun quite a yarn for daddy. Bet he left out the "I threatened to take a loaded weapon to my neighbors and kill something" part. A BYC member and friend who knows this man and son said to please be careful when we talk to him, that he is unpredictable and loves that dog so we'll listen for him to be outside and try to communicate. If that fails, guess he'll be getting a letter.
We have a cabin up on Fightingtown creek and every time we're up there I read the local paper and I'm always pleasantly surprised to read the "crime" section. As I'm sure you know it's about a 5 inch section and almost with out exception the crime is always theft by taking ( is there another kind) and it's almost always a 4 wheeler. I don't know if that comforts you that I've never heard of such an awful thing happening up there as that young man has threatened to do. Hopefully he's just a loud mouth and has no intention of taking actions. I know how a situation like that can really make you wish you lived somewhere else. Hopefully when he cooled of he realized he was wrong and you were right and his dog needs to be kept at home. Hope this blows over very quickly for you and your husband.
You're right. Very few actual assaults here, mostly drug labs, thefts, break-ins, dogs killing livestock, boundary disputes, etc. Dang it's so hot, maybe everyone is going a bit crazy! I hope his temper tantrum and threats had to do with pain meds, but before we left to do our errand, the kid drove off in his truck. Couldn't have been feeling too bad, now could he?
@ darkmatter... love the target on dog with a marker idea!

@ScaredofShadows... don't sound too scared to me!

@ speckledhen... praying for your safety and everyone in your family, including the furred and feathered ones!
I sure hope the dad is reasonable about this.

These cops remind me of my hometown cops many many moons ago. I had a guy my husband (now ex) had arrested coming to my home and looking in the windows at night while hubby was at work. I would call the dispatcher and she would send someone EVENTUALLY. This went on for a couple of weeks and I was absolutely petrified to sleep at night. Each night I called and each night someone came out when they got around to it...but long after the guy was gone.

Finally, he went to the back door of the house, jimmied the lock and pulled it hard to open it and the chain latch caught. So, I grabbed the phone and pulled it into the diningroom, sat my 9mm on my lap and called 911. I told the dispatcher the guy was here, had the back door open but the chain was holding it and that the door was between me and my infant son and I was armed so get someone here NOW. She called it in babbled at me and he was still pulling at the door and I told the dispatcher "If he steps through that door you need to send someone with a sponge, because he is not getting near my baby".

Finally he got the door chain to snap, his foot came in the door and I put 4 rounds in the closet at the end of that hallway. I dropped the phone and ran out the front foor and around the house and the guy was coming towards me laughing. I emptied the rest of the clip all around him. He made some comment about "Now what ya gonna do, no more bullets and you missed". I dropped the clip out of the gun onto the ground and pulled a new one from the back pocket of my jeans and put it in, pulled the slide back and pointed in his face and said "That depends on you". He turned and ran...the three cops passed him and had to turn around and go after him. LOL

When they came to the house they said "we are so sorry but we thought you were just paranoid being alone at night with a new baby and stuff". The idiots! They never took a second to stop and think that there could actually be a danger they just assumed I was being paranoid and was a 19 year old sissy girl with a new baby. When they saw all of the brass lying around the backyard they looked at me and one of them said "You missed?" I said no...notice the dance pattern? I was tormenting him the way he has tormented me for two weeks. This clip was to drop him and I handed him my gun. When they examined my gun and saw the second clip only had two bullets in it, they gave me a funny look but never said a word.

Why can't cops take a threat as serious? It makes me sick.
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Cetawin, I'm 22 and thank god i have people in my family in the local force, currently and retired. My cousins know if I ever call one of them or even the dispatchers, they know that if I call and say I have someone in my yard and if they touch my door they're getting a lead sandwich, someone would break neck to get out here. I was 15 and pregnant when I called to report someone sneaking around my house while my mom was working, and at first the dispatcher didn't recognize my address, and was told 'someone will be there soon' ... Called back 5 minutes later and told her "Look, my aunt Suz is a dispatcher up there, and if she isn't working I want you to call her and tell her I WANT SOMEONE HERE NOW! I will be very upset if I have to ruin the front door or my picture window if someone tries to get in." 3 minutes later I had someone there.
They came up and I come out the door with a shotgun and set it down by the door. Ever since people up there know I ain't kidding. I was taught how to shoot by my dad and my uncle who is a a retired detective with the county.

cetawin - I would have gave him ONE warning shot, then if he was still there 10 seconds later - he'd have gotten a bullet in each knee if he took a step in the door (this is of course if he was stalking me
- I would want him to remember me for the rest of his LIFE.
) otherwise anyone who just bangs down my door i'd have loaded every bullet in his dang chest after a warning shot by their feet.

You go woman. I hate assumptions and lazy law enforcement. I'm sorry even if it may be a false alarm they should still atleast do a drive by and take a look. But really me - I'm in the country and if in a situation like yours i'd just take it into my own hands
though i'm mean like that.
Speckled Hen, I hope you and all of yours are safe. The father might have been quietly furious with his son for stirring up trouble with folks he has had a decent relationship with. I hope that's what it was. Good luck and I hope the son leaves for Colorado soon.

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