Trapped a Neighbor's Dog on My Deck....Got an Earful

I'm so sorry your peace of mind and country living are at the mercy of a dysfunctional young man who will probably brood over the incident and decide he and his dog were "dissed." He'll blame anything that happens to the animal now on YOU, whether or not you had anything to do with it. It doesn't sound like the father will be able to make his wayward son behave and follow the rules.

For that reason, I am afraid for you and have my fingers crossed. The best outcome is his return to Colorado and hope his mother has better luck with him.

In the meantime, for real, I would consider buying a can of that buck lure or skunk spray at a sporting goods store and keep it close. Just in case the offending dog gets close enough to you again, a good spray might send the message that letting the dog roam means a stinking house (especially when the heat's on). A couple of times of that occurring, and maybe the irresponsible idiot will conclude that the skunk problem in your area isn't worth letting his dog roam, since HE has to be the one to suffer the effects.

Just the only thing I could think of. Good luck to you in this awful situation.
Seems to be our luck. After we move into a place, some unpleasant incident happens to make us regret moving there, then when we are thinking about leaving, another unpleasant something happens to make us want to get out of there faster. The good thing is that it isn't a permanent resident in our little area who is the problem--the neighbors are generally very nice. Most are elderly and most are happy to help each other when needed, including the kid's dad, who is about our age; everyone else is 10-25 years older.

Well, I'm off to bed. Getting a headache from all of today's drama (not just this incident). Will let you know what happens tomorrow.
I don't want a fight, and I don't want any trouble. Its just something that REALLY makes my blood boil

Of course, it's something everyone says. My grandfather said about my mother the same thing my father said about me.
By golly, I'm hoping I won't have to say anything to my future kids about being disrespectful, but if the pattern continues...

There's a general lack of respect in everyone nowadays. Too many people have a "What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine too" attitude. It's noticed more in kids. Adults are responsible for how kids turn out, so if a kid acts rudely to an adult, more people notice and compelled to do something about it. But would you tell a grown person who hasn't done you any harm yet how to live their lives? You wouldn't unless you want a harassment charge... The law, for civil cases (not criminal), has become very frivolous. You can speculate all you want, but when it comes to doing something about it... Well, you must be the change you wish to see.
At least, that's what I've always thought. I'm open to others thoughts on the matter.
I feel for you, I had a neighbor who let his 3 large dogs run loose in the neighborhood (mind you I live in the city, I know it sucks) and after the dogs went after my kids, I told the next door neighbor to tell him that I don't care about the "no shooting" ordinance in the city limits and I would not hesitate to drop all his dogs if they came after my children again. Funny, never saw the dogs again.
I love the Skunk Spray discourages the dog and the owner at the same time without having to kill the dog. I encourage you to try this or pepper spray before taking the "permanent" solution which will most certainly provoke a revenge reaction that you will suffer from. Just having the law on your side (although comforting) will not prevent an enraged delinquent from destroying your animals or your property.
I don't always SSS. I once had a friendly dog show up near the chickens, caught him and used a marker to draw targets on his sides and forehead, then chased him off------must of worked, never saw that dog again.
Love your signature line!
May all your eggs be fertile,
May your predators be few,
May your hens be fat and happy,
And your ribbons all be blue.
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Sorry if this sounds rude and disrespectful like "all" kids today are, but as a 15 year old teenager myself I REALLY don't think its fair to say that. Why the heck do people think that "all" kids today are respectful! Sure there are jerks out there, there always will be, but WHY I ask myself, do people always assume that all kids or teens are like this!? Do you think I go around tresspassing on others properties? Or freaking out and swearing at the nieghbour because I don't get along with them! NO! And for your information, not very many will! I am sick of people always assuming this.

I am very sorry that your nieghbour has to be this way, if he won't get rid of the dog, or keep it under control, then YOU do it for him.

I am NOT talking about ALL kids! Just some of the kids that we run into having behavioral issues or having any respect for neighbors and elderly people. I must say that the city kids are worst than country or small town kids...that is just what I SEE at the mall, schools and public places.

Teenagers that are respectful toward anyone, behavior and attitude at its place, they rank tops on my list and I do compliment on their good behavior or "who taught you that, it is a perfect gesture!". When you get to be our age, looking at teeangers today, you would be appalled as well.

Adults that act like kids or knows no boundaries, they are BAD in my book and they can get themselves in trouble more often than they did in high school.

Spraying the dog scent sprays may work on the owner but will not stop the dog from roaming. He will be back, in a given time.
I don't always SSS. I once had a friendly dog show up near the chickens, caught him and used a marker to draw targets on his sides and forehead, then chased him off------must of worked, never saw that dog again.

I Love it! I can understand the SSS idea and have no problem with it if it can be avoided. The problem is I don't lie and I were to do this and the owner showed up what would I say? I suppose I could say "yeah I saw you dog" but then what? What could I tell them as to where the dog went? Which way did he go? (humorous answers allowed as well as serious).

Right now I've got a dog nextdoor that came at my SIL, he kicked the dog and I've written to the landlord about it. He not always loose but is dangerous. They're house is to close to secretly SSS.

No way am I saying SSS is wrong. Especially if you give me attitude. Be nice or suffer the consequences for your stupidity.

I will be curios to what the Dad says.

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