Trapped a Neighbor's Dog on My Deck....Got an Earful

Sorry if this sounds rude and disrespectful like "all" kids today are, but as a 15 year old teenager myself I REALLY don't think its fair to say that. Why the heck do people think that "all" kids today are respectful! Sure there are jerks out there, there always will be, but WHY I ask myself, do people always assume that all kids or teens are like this!? Do you think I go around tresspassing on others properties? Or freaking out and swearing at the nieghbour because I don't get along with them! NO! And for your information, not very many will! I am sick of people always assuming this.

I am very sorry that your nieghbour has to be this way, if he won't get rid of the dog, or keep it under control, then YOU do it for him.
I dont think chicmom meant anything by that. Hey, I know that all teens and young people are not that way. Quite a few of them are my friends and this kid used to be so respectful and helpful, but he has changed lots over the past few years. I've seen plenty of adults who act exactly like this kid did today, too, so bad behavior is not limited to folks under 21, trust me.
I've heard several police or other law enforcement officers say lately, that they are going to retire, as the current crowd of troublemakers have absolutely no honor or ethics. There used to be somewhat of a code of honor, even among criminals, but not anymore. Many are willing to do whatever violence comes to mind. Very sad, really.
How long does it take to recover? Sounds like he can walk and talk after a fashion.
At 20, you would think his father would have some ground rules like don't shoot up the neighbors, don't let your dog run loose, dont' curse at my neighbors
and if he can't follow the rules, fine, he's an adult, bye bye
So how long is he expected to stay?
Can you electrify your front gate for a bit? til he's gone?
put up the under video survilance signs
bullies like to think they can do things without being seen or caught

bummer, sounds very unpleasant.
I had a neighbor go all idiot on me this week too. Even when you are totally in the right, its a lose-lose cause you feel rotten having been slimed by it.
sorry you had to go through it!
and thank goodness your babies were penned up!
I agree. My kid would be booted out on his bum if he acted like that toward one of my neighbors. I have no idea how long he'll be here this time. I can't electrify the gate. Heck, all he has to do is tramp up the hill and climb over the livestock fencing behind the coops so electrifying the gate won't do any good. We have an old video camera that has to be plugged in to work, but it's no good in low light anyway. I do plan to put up the "Smile, you're on camera" signs. I already have No Trespassing signs throughout my five acres, but folks that threaten others with guns don't usually heed those. Gosh, I want my game camera now!

The coops have barrel bolts on all doors, horizontally and vertically, so that should make a sound, plus we have baby monitors in both coops. Maybe bells that jingle on the inside of the doors would be a great idea since no one would know they were there before they opened the door. There are smoke detectors in both coops, too, in case of fire. I just hope this situation doesn't become volatile (though dad may go all Rambo on the son when he finds out what he did).
I think they went away when the mouth, disrespectful kids became the norm...

In all fairness to the youth of today, it would not matter what age a person is if they act like a jerk. If the 'jerk's' dog came over, was politely held for the owner and the owner made threats, used inflamatory language and didn't say 'thank you', I just think it would be nice for a law enforcement officer to go and have a talk with the jerk. Unfortunately, they don't really do that anymore. If they can't write a ticket or take someone to jail where their actions are clear cut and can be justified in court, they just don't act. I think it used to be called 'keeping the peace'. Hence the name 'peace officer'....
hahaha you would do it too, I can picture it perfectly. Mine would be be busy trying to determine if he had any teeth left in his mouth after I smacked him in it. I would not ever tolerate my son speaking to a woman like that or even close to that.

Things have changed so much...when we were kids, the Sheriff would have come out, grabbed us, drove us home, told our parents what we did and stand there waiting to watch one of our parents tear our backside up. Then he would have lectured us.

Nowadays nobody wants to do jack about anything. Disgusting if you ask me. but as long as I breathe my kids will behave themselves or else...if I am too old and feeble to smack them I will use a bat or my cane. LOL

Cyn - yes Panda is demented...I agree. However, after hearing Tiny the Terrorist on the nest today on the phone...I think a half blind hormonal wench like her would be worse. She could not see clearly where she was pecking...she would put a hurting on him for sure...I would just hold him there longer for Tiny to get in a few good hits.
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I think they went away when the mouthy, disrespectful kids became the norm...

Sad..but true..
And its why a lot of kids today have no fear or respect of authority...

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