Trapped a Neighbor's Dog on My Deck....Got an Earful

Please don't send that brat back to Colorado. Thanks!

Cyn....don't let Tom go down to the father by himself!!

Son might be there, start an arguement, defend himself, etc, etc. I think he might want to take a local neighbor, friend, etc with him

2 reasons:

1. Protection
2. To validate anything that might be said (witness)

Just my 2 cents worth....some of those "local" folks up that way can be a little rough around the edges
Why not invite the father up for a nice cup of coffee and some blueberry muffins in the morning? He's not likely to bring Screwball the Ugly with him, right? Then sit down and have yourself a nice, relaxed, adult and civil discussion. Try to put a note of regrettable understanding in your voice. Convey somehow that you appreciate what the father is going through with the kid, but that you have to do what you must to protect creatures that are every bit as important to you [probably more so!] as his son is to him. I'd then let him know in no uncertain terms what the repercussions will be if the dog enters the confines of your property again.

I'm of the mind that once you make the relevant parties aware of a problem, you've done all that you need to in the way of a warning. The next encounter would include gunfire and death of the dog!

On a personal note:
I'm sorry you have to deal with this little twit right now Cyn. Ya just don't need it sweetie!
I know you to be a calm and intelligent woman, not given to fits of temper. I so hope that you can resolve this in a manner befitting of your nature.
Please try to resolve this peacefully.

Let them know "you are within your rights to shoot the dog, but that it would be a last resort. That you have a dog and understand that they can get out at times, but you have to protect you and yours". Tell them about the warrant but that it's the last thing you'd like to do, please don't force your hand.
Take the sheriff with you when you go.

Here in syracuse you have to pay if your dog gets picked up, if that's the case where you are having to pay may be enough to deter this from happening again.

Please be careful, don't over react.

Love ya

Agreed. The dog DIDN'T kill your chickens, right? Yes, it MIGHT have, but it didn't. I think your DH was right in telling the boy what the results would be if it did kill your birds. I'm not sure I'd kill it if it were just on my porch again. I WOULD take it to the pound. I also WOULD put it down if it were killing my birds. If the boy is so problematic, I'm sure your local sheriff's dept. is very familiar with him. They need to know what he's up to.
Cynthia, just a thought: the boy may be so socially moronic that he takes your husband's calmness as weakness or inability to confront. Maybe hubby can get his back up a little more. Like, say the same things calmly, but louder and sterner.
The neighbor was in violation of the ordinance for controlling the animal. I'm glad he came up on the deck rather than run at the pens and scare the birds so they bash their heads into the fence or building in fright--that alone can kill birds. I have a perimeter fence, plus pens with dig barriers in addition to that, put up just so a dog couldn't run across my property and slaughter chickens along the way. Today, I had more than one person coming up here and had to have the driveway gate open, a rare occurrence. I do all I can to keep from having to kill a dog, but the burden does lie on the dog's owner, not I.

This is not the first time for this dog. I've seen it all over the neighborhood since they put in that invisible fence so something isn't working right. This "treasured" dog isn't as loved as he claims or he'd do more to insure its safety.

You know, lots of people think it's awful to kill a dog over a chicken, but many of my chickens are older than that dog and just as valued. They know their names and come to them, they ask for petting and love to be held. It's not whose animal is more important but whose animal is where it should be and whose isn't. He's darn lucky the dog is still alive anyway. If he had skipped coming up the steps and headed for the pens or had grabbed a broody with chicks on the way down the driveway, he'd already be dead. No apologies for that, period. I'm obeying the law and they are not.

I'm not using my gas money to take the dog to animal control. That is not my job.

The father and son have always been courteous, kind and helpful. This outburst today was something I've heard coming from their place down the hill, but never in our presence. DH tried to speak to the kid, but he was exploding all over and left as soon as he could, cussing all the way down the driveway. Some people make it impossible to settle anything peacefully. And sometimes, there is alcohol, or other substances, involved with this kid's troubles. That is what worries me, him getting stoned or soused, and deciding to do some harm up here.
Exactly! That kid would feel like one of those metal ducks at a shooting game on the carnival midway. Dance fool dance!

This made me laugh out loud...
Sorry, best one they had.

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