Treating and Preventing Parvo Virus in Puppys?

To treat parvovirus. Go to wolf creek ranch site
They have a whole line of hollistic products that work. I have never needed the parvovirus drops but the products I have used all have worked good luck
The only pups I personally know that survived parvo belonged to medical personnel. The pups required and received skilled care around the clock with IV fluids and I don't know what all. Even then it was touch and go.
If the mom to your pup was properly vaccinated before whelping, the pup has some immunity that it obtained from the mother's milk. However, at 6 weeks that immunity will be wearing off. You should get the puppy vaccinated as soon as possible, followed by two boosters and a rabies vaccine when it is 6 months old. If you don't want to take the puppy to the vet, you can buy vaccines at most feed stores.

Parvo is very contagious and deadly. You can carry it home on your shoes, or visitor can bring it on to your property. The virus lives in the environment for months (up to a year). The cost of treating a dog with parvo is astronomical, plus a lot of them don't recover even if treatment is started quickly. There are certain breeds that get parvo more frequently than others.Yours looks like one that should be vaccinated ASAP.
Puppies can be vaccinated for rabies between 12 and 16 weeks of age. Lately I've noticed an increase in people that are adamant they have to wait until 6 months, but the law in many states requires it much sooner (New York is by 16 weeks).

I would definitely check the law in your state!
Well here comes the good news!

She had her vet check up around 4 days ago. It was said that she was a very healthy and energetic puppy (So the vet said himself). She received her first Parvo Vacation and thankfully no reactions occurred. She also received half a worming tablet that the vet said was important. She is due for another set of Vaccinations on the 19th next month and the little girl is doing great. Definitely doubled in size!

Thankyou all for the helpful (Ignoring the negative) Comments and Advice.

Special thanks to ChickerDoodle13 for the helpful and very supportive advice

The thing that is boggling my mind is why a Rabies Vaccine? What good does it do? The pup will be a show dog (And companion!) Competing in Heelwork and Agility so is it REALLY important? If It is I and I see the need I will (with no doubt) Take her to get one, once she reaches appropriate age.

Rabies is required by law. There are many animals in the US that are carriers, and if you dog comes in contact with animal that is carrying rabies, your dog will be at risk of contracting it. There is no treatment for rabies, and it is 100% fatal. It is a very important and necessary vaccination.
Well here comes the good news! :fl

She had her vet check up around 4 days ago. It was said that she was a very healthy and energetic puppy (So the vet said himself). She received her first Parvo Vacation and thankfully no reactions occurred. She also received half a worming tablet that the vet said was important. She is due for another set of Vaccinations on the 19th next month and the little girl is doing great. Definitely doubled in size!

Thankyou all for the helpful (Ignoring the negative) Comments and Advice.

Special thanks to ChickerDoodle13 for the helpful and very supportive advice :hugs    

The thing that is boggling my mind is why a Rabies Vaccine? What good does it do? The pup will be a show dog (And companion!) Competing in Heelwork and Agility so is it REALLY important? If It is I and I see the need I will (with no doubt) Take her to get one, once she reaches appropriate age.


Glad to hear that she is healthy and had a good trip to the vet! Sounds like she is well on her way to a healthy life :)

Most puppies end up with worms, so that was a good call on the vet's part!

Rabies is a legal requirement in the United States and I would say probably the most important of the vaccines they receive throughout life. In the beginning, puppies start out with one shot (no boosters) then another in one year. After the second shot, they can get the 3 year rabies vaccine which is a nice option for owners.

Rabies is a pretty big deal, especially since it can be spread to humans. Dogs can get rabies from pretty much any mammal. It is less common of a problem these days in domestic animals because of vaccination. Unvaccinated animals can cause big issues if they bite someone. Not only is that person at risk for the disease (and will have to get vaccinated) but the dog will either need to be quarantined for an extended time (I believe several weeks) or euthanized and the brain sent for rabies testing. In short, the vaccines are very safe and very effective. Most competitions (agility, obedience, or even campgrounds, apartment complexes, or insurance companies) will require a valid rabies certificate.

Your vet should be able to give you a recommended vaccination date. Usually 12-16 weeks is a good time frame. In NY, dogs must be rabies vaccinated by 16 weeks. Many townships also do free rabies clinics that you can check into if it's easier.

Also another quick note about rabies: vets can't force clients to get rabies vaccinations for their pets but they can refuse to continue seeing those clients. That's usually a pretty big motivator for most people! :)
So she has received another Vet check up for her Bladder. Why though? She has been peeing blood and constantly feeling the need to go Potty when she doesn't actually go. I had to slip her in at the last minute (at the vet) and just before she went into the vet room she decided to pee. Blood. Red Blood.

It turns out she may have a bladder stone! Its very rare in Puppys her age so its not certain.

For now the vets are going to keep a close eye on her. We'll see how things go. Other than her bladder issues she is a very healthy and playful pup!

I've put her on a special diet (Homemade with every special details! A very lucky Pup!) and she is on antibiotics and stuff. Im going through a rough patch here...I love my little sweetheart and I feel like the breeder should of noticed her Illness (Shes had this bladder thing going on since i got her but it started to get serious it was straight to the vet!). Oh well! We'll see how it goes, Hopefully my sweetheart gets better.

I will keep you guys updated

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