Treats chickens DON'T Like

From my "vast"
experience of chickenkeeping (1 month this weekend) I have determined my girls have no use for Cheerios.

If they are softened in plain yogurt they get eaten, but I get the stinkeye for spoiling their yogurt.

I'm almost afraid to try the watermelon BYCers rave about.
I cannnot deal with any more Chicken Rejection.

And can anyone here explain why anything taken from my hand is sooooo much better than if they have to pick it up themselves?
i haven't foudn aynthing they don't like... they like potato peelings, and watermelon. maybe mushroom and onions.. when they get tossed out the door whole lol. hmm.. ill have to think on that lol
most fruit and veggies get devoured in no time at all.. i think they eat large strawberries whole! and they can eat a whole watermelon in like 5 mins LOL

Mine won't eat cabbage. They LOVE yogurt, watermelon, cukes, tomatos, corn, cottage cheese, any kind of melon and fresh grass clippings.
Mine love plain yogurt, sunflower seeds, brown rice, grapes, cherries and cooked cauliflower. They also love shrimp, crab and sardines. My Australorps love snails, slugs and worms and my Buff Orpingtons seem to like more of the "people" food. All of them will only eat greens if I give to them while they're locked in their run. If they are roaming around in our yard I guess they get all the greens they want because they won't take any from me.

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