Hmmm maybe I will wait awhile then....I would probably buy 6 chicks if I could get them from TSC and not have to mess with selling a bunch of chicks. It irritates me that they say they dont know what is ordered this year. I wish they would post a list of what is going to be in and when so people would know and be able to plan accordingly.

I'm with you. I have gone by our tsc for three days now. They have gotten some in each day, but they are always production pullets.

It would be nice if they have some idea of what they were getting, but I'm sure it would be hard to say what will hatch and be ready at the time of shipment.
The one in Chelsea had buff brahma's, I'm sure the other Alabama stores will get some too.
fingers crossed. Thanks for the heads up. I am remaining hopeful.
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I am in Mass and was (pleasantly) surprised to find chicks at my local Agway on February 1st! WOW. Of course I had to snatch a few up ("Amerucanas" and a SLW) and they are in my dining room because it is waaaaay to far from Spring here to stick those babies outside.
My TSC already has Peking, Sex links, Assorted bantams and Cornish rocks. I got some cornish rocks and stuck them under my broody turkey.
Found out shipping in just a few chicks is REALLY expensive! Has anyone had any luck ordering 15 or 25 sexed chicks and selling all the ones you don't want to keep?   I thought about going that route. I REALLY want some Speckled Sussex....

Gg...if you are relatively close to the savannah area, I got some speckled Sussex from a man outside of Walterboro SC. Its about an hour and half from Savannah. I have the guys number at work and can pm it to you on monday if you like.
I picked up 6 Sussex hens from TSC today!
WHAT???? Why cant MY Tractor Supply get in SS!!! Lucky you! Were they a straight run? Were you able to sex them at the store, if so how? TSC keeps telling me that they had some straight run SS last year but they dont know if they will get any in this year. I almost ordered 4 chicks last night from Meyer....paying $50 for 4 chicks bothered me so I didnt go thru with it. Guess I am going to wait and hope that my TS gets some in this year.
Gg...if you are relatively close to the savannah area, I got some speckled Sussex from a man outside of Walterboro SC. Its about an hour and half from Savannah. I have the guys number at work and can pm it to you on monday if you like.
i am near columbus....probably too far to drive to get 4 or 5 chicks. But let me check and see Thank You!

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