Marans? Really? I'll send my hubby in there. He'll buy every dang one of them. Marans or not.
Mine had cornishX, buff brahmas, red and whitish layer, the cutest bantam you could imagine and some Rouen ducks. Time needs to hurry up so my husband can retire from the Army
The TSC in Mt. Airy MD has brahamas only right now. They tell me they are expecting others later this week. My kids are happy....a trip to TSC every day is their idea of heaven, lol. Our TSC has very nice and helpful employees, and they know us by name at this point (I've spent enough money in there after all since buying a farm last summer...).
Aw, I miss that store!
I just moved from New Market to Connecticut last year. Spring in Maryland is my favorite, and I'm already missing it!
I was at the TSC in Griswold CT this am, they have babies:)

leghorns, buff brahma's, red sex links, straight run bantams, baby ducks, all adorable:)
I was at the Southwick Massachusetts TSC this afternoon! Absolutely adorable!
I could hardly resist buying a couple bantams!
I was at the TSC in Griswold CT this am, they have babies:)

leghorns, buff brahma's, red sex links, straight run bantams, baby ducks, all adorable:)

I just came back from there and I wish you would have scooped up all those ducks so I wouldn't have been SO TEMPTED!

(did you notice the huge stack of cedar shavings for sale with all the chicken supplies? Ugh.)
SunandDirt...yes, I saw them bringing out a big skid of cedar shavings when I was there:(

And those duckies were so stinken CUTE!!!!! If I had a pond, I would have taken some!

Funny, this guy was there looking at chicks,,must have been a new employee, she was letting some kid HOLD the babies,,till someone came over and said that's a big NO NO....The guy says, "i've had terrible luck buying chicks from you guys, the majority end up being roosters, is there someone here who can sex them?"
The employee was mumbling, me and my big mouth spoke up and said, "I doubt it, your chances will be better if you buy the ones IN the pullet bins vs straight run".. He left with none.

Those bantams were so tiny! I know they are smaller chickens, didn't realize they were tiny tiny babies as well...Yep, I coulda scooped some, but I'm holding out for some lav orps this spring:)

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