turtle egg care ?


6 Years
May 5, 2016
Orange county NY
I just got a small load of sand delivered and it has freshly laid turtle eggs in it.

I know they are fresh because I accidently broke one while raking the sand . No stink, smells like a chicken egg lol.

I don't want to kill them, but the sand is for the kids to play in. Anyone know what I should do?
Thanks :)
If you decide to hatch them post updates! I’d love to see this process.

Do u know if they were jostled around alot of theyd still be viable? Thats my fear, i think leather reptile eggs are super fragile, they have to be moved without being tilted or turned. @twigcrafter were they still in a clutch or all mixed up? Please do let us know what happens dont leave us hanging!
Do u know if they were jostled around alot of theyd still be viable? Thats my fear, i think leather reptile eggs are super fragile, they have to be moved without being tilted or turned. @twigcrafter were they still in a clutch or all mixed up? Please do let us know what happens dont leave us hanging!

If it was a turtle then that could cause them to die. If it was a hard tortoise egg they should be fine. I just don’t know if tortoises lay in sand. Reptiles are no my forte
If it was a turtle then that could cause them to die. If it was a hard tortoise egg they should be fine. I just don’t know if tortoises lay in sand. Reptiles are no my forte

Still gave me more info than i knew before :p reptiles were my first love, ten yrs before i discovered poultry :lol: never did turtles though, not one of any type or sort my whole life
Many years ago, we found a bunch of Anole eggs in a pile of potting soil. I set up a terrarium, tucked them in as we had found them, kept the soil moist and waited. They hatched over a period of weeks. My kids still remember the fun of spotting, capturing and releasing the babies on an almost daily basis.

Last year, I saw a box turtle in the process of laying her eggs on the side of a footpath on our property. With all the predators around here, I figured they'd most likely get eaten, so after much consideration I gently dug them up and put them in a large jar with some dirt and leaf litter. Of the three eggs, only one hatched, a few days after Florence flooded the area where the eggs had been laid.

Here's another site that may be helpful:

Am staying tuned!:caf

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