TWEAK MY COOP~Tweaks on the Cheap out my new clear tarp, which isn't really clear as it has white fibers woven into and sealed into the plastic layers...and added more grommets. I had read the reviews on this tarp before buying it and folks only complaint was that it didn't have enough grommets, so I also purchased a grommet kit. On the long sides of the tarp I put a grommet every foot and on the short sides it has them every 2 ft. as those sides aren't as essential when it comes to fastening down for the winter.

Let me tell you this...this tarp is one tough piece of work! Talk about heavy duty! A lot of the reviews were from Hawaii and those folks have some serious sun, winds and rain and the tarp was lasting them for up to 3 yrs and beyond, so it just may last me much longer as my coop is in partial shade and sun for most of the day. And it was the same price as a cheapy tarp from Ollies of the same size, so I'm pretty pleased so's not a woven tarp like the cheapies, but a solid, heavy sheet of plastic with white fibers sealed into and woven through it.

Here's a pic of one just like it....

What grommet kit did you buy Bee? Any chance you've got a link?
I just bought some shade cloth....I will have to hem it and add some grommets. Thought I had some but can't find them, probably find them right after I order some new ones lol!
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Someone posted this in another thread and I though it could be useful here. You can get shade cloth remnants here for really cheep (see what I did there? cheep cheep!) The company is FarmTek, and they sell pond liners, greenhouse plastic, shade cloth, shelters, tarps, tools ... I think it might be where we get our rolls of greenhouse plastic & shade cloth ...|46353&maxRecords=20

Here is a link to their "Steals & Deals" home page ...
Those folks send me a catalog every month...big, thick thing. Can't imagine how much money it costs them to send that out. Good tip, LJ!
Hi all! I love this thread. Here's what I've done with the milk crates. I just use a jig saw to cut down one side, still leaving a bit of a lip to hold in the hay. I'm in Florida and the open sides seems to be helpful with the heat. I have full bodied Australorps, and they fit in them with no trouble. This pic was taken before I zip tied them on to the legs of the shelving that they are on. They have proven stable...I've just got some spare stepping stone blocks on the bottom shelf to keep it from being wobbly.
I love that idea! So very neat and cute. I like it that they can see one another and have a visit.

I'm toying with a few ideas on the new nest first I was going to do buckets with outside entrances, then I was thinking I'd just build wooden ones, then I thought of crates or even an old set of kitchen cabinets if I should happen to see one along the road. The jury is still out on all that.
Hi all! I love this thread. Here's what I've done with the milk crates. I just use a jig saw to cut down one side, still leaving a bit of a lip to hold in the hay. I'm in Florida and the open sides seems to be helpful with the heat. I have full bodied Australorps, and they fit in them with no trouble. This pic was taken before I zip tied them on to the legs of the shelving that they are on. They have proven stable...I've just got some spare stepping stone blocks on the bottom shelf to keep it from being wobbly.
I love these crates, but for some reason my chickens don't really like my nests with slats where they can see each other. Almost all of the chickens, except my larger Cochin ladies, prefer the smaller nests with solid walls between to the larger nests with slats only. I have to spend some time cutting pieces to fit in between and see if it helps everyone become more cozy to those boxes.

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