TX minimum chick purchase at TSC

Sorry to change the topic...
(for future reference, yall want me to just start a new thread? - I never know
) Any how, how long does a hen have to be broody for before you can slip some chicks under her for her to raise? And will they stick by her, or do you have to lock them up in a cage so they don't run away from her?

I've heard of people doing it within just a few days. I don't think the hens really keeps track of how long she sits. I've also heard of people not being able to get chicks until after their hen has been sitting for 1 1/2 - 2 months. i think they will just sit until they get chicks.
Okay, guys. Sorry I haven't been on. I have a question. My TSC's last chick shipment is this coming Wednesday. They still have TONS of chicks left from last week. They have brought down the price some but not much at all. You would think at some point they would start losing money from feed cost, bedding cost, electricity, etc. Do they ever put them on sale, like for real? They have brought down the price reasonably for the featured breed, but they barely brought it down for the regular breeds. They have a lot of chicks left. Almost all of them (except the featured breeds) are still there and beginning to feather out.
They don't. They barely know what to do with the chicks. They always have pasty butt or some health problem, and when my mom was asking about keeping chicks outside, the employee said you need a heat lamp in the coop all winter long for all size birds. Clueless people.
We have some employees that do care and know what they are talking about. But some just don't. :\ I noticed some today have really bad pasty butt. I want to take home all those chicks the are putting in the "sick pen". A lot of those could be fixed right up. What do they do with them? Do they just kill them?
In New York they have this 6 chick limit also and I was told it was "state law" and that the state would look at their records and they would get in trouble for selling me only 2.

I understand the general idea of not wanting people to get them on a whim for their kids. Luckily I had brought in my receipt and after talking to the manager I was able to the get the 2 I wanted (I had just bought 9 at a different TSC a couple of days earlier). I just don't see why you shouldn't be allowed to bring in a receipt or some proof that you have already purchased your minimum and then get some more.
In New York they have this 6 chick limit also and I was told it was "state law" and that the state would look at their records and they would get in trouble for selling me only 2.

I understand the general idea of not wanting people to get them on a whim for their kids. Luckily I had brought in my receipt and after talking to the manager I was able to the get the 2 I wanted (I had just bought 9 at a different TSC a couple of days earlier). I just don't see why you shouldn't be allowed to bring in a receipt or some proof that you have already purchased your minimum and then get some more.

Hmm. I wonder if they would do that here. 0.o It mostly frustrates me, because those people know me up there. (We don't hang out on the weekends or anything, but they see me all the time. They ask me how I'm doing and say hello when I come on and so on.) I'm in there all the time getting stuff for my chickens, chicks, chicken coop. They know that I have a flock and a coop and all that. I have bought 7 chicks from them. I don't understand why they couldn't relax that policy a bit for those of us they know aren't going to dump the chickens when they go through their first ugly faze. And why would I have to buy 6 chicks if I only have to buy 2 ducklings? What makes ducklings so much more lax? If I can buy 2 ducks, then why can't I buy 2 chicks? I'm just confuzzled by their "state laws".
Out of curiousity, I looked up the New York law. It's there:

Section 354(3) "No person shall sell, offer for sale, barter or give away living baby chicks, ducklings or other fowl or baby rabbits under two months of age in any quantity less than six."


I can't find a Texas law anything like that. I even called the extension office and spoke to the AG guy. He's never heard of such a law here.
Similar law in Wisconsin - 6 minimum.

New Hampshire's minimum is 12.

Massachusetts prohibits sales of chickens less than two months of age, except for breeders or commercial breeders and raisers:
§ 80D. Living rabbits, baby chickens, ducklings or other fowl; sale, barter or gift No person shall sell, offer for sale, barter or give away as premiums living baby chickens, ducklings or other fowl under two months of age.
. . . .
Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the sale or display of baby chickens, ducklings or other fowl under two months of age by breeders or stores engaged in the business of selling for purposes of commercial breeding and raising; provided, however, that prior to May first in any year, such ducklings may be sold or purchased only in quantities of twenty-four or more.
This section shall not prohibit, however, the sale or donation of such chickens, ducklings or fowl to schools for use in classroom instruction.
Whoever violates the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars.

Pennsylvania's law is similar to Massachusetts, but it expressly prohibits the sale of chickens as pets; they can only be sold to commercial breeders and raisers.

Maryland's law reads similarly.

Lots of other states have these laws, I'm sure!

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