Uh-ohhh, crowing Red Star!!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 27, 2011
My slightly over 5-weeks old Red Star has begun crowing. We are SURE she's a girl, she was reddish-orange when we got her at one day of age.

My wife saw her do it; our Dominique got a perch over her head (which she HATES) and she just opened up and did a loud, high-pitched crow.

Will she outgrow this? Or, is there a way to get her to stop? We live in a town where roosters are only legal on 10+ acre, zoned farms.... because of the crowing.

Why would she crow, anyhow? Is it because she is top of the peck order?

Please help, we don't want to have to give her away!!
Hens CAN crow, but I would be really shocked to hear it from a Red Star. Normally they're fairly docile. Is your bird still a rusty red color with cream highlights, or is it a cream colored bird now? Post a pic and we can all tell you for certain!
She's now overall glossy brick red with cream colored tail, wingtips, and rump. We're quite sure the hatchery did send us a girl.
I have a pic taken of her this morning. How do I post it?

Click on uploads on the blue bar above and upload the picture. Then copy the img link and paste it into the post.

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