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Welcome to the thread @emmaellis111 Gkad you could join us here, I'm afraid I'm a little far away from you, up in Yorkshire for me. Do you have chickens or other poultry?
Yes I have pekin hen and a barbu duccle cockerel and 3 hens, and hopefully would love to breed them and show them off
im new to all this chicken raising only got the chickens a month ago so im a beginner so I would live all the help I could get
Hi Barbara :frow

Oh I know what you mean about the tack :oops: I had to tackle my bridle three times before it came up something like :eek: It was that bad that I have to admit I got a knife to scrape the grease off it!! Saddle not too bad as I have wintec 2000 so a quick wipe down generally does the trick with it. I got a new numnah, one of those thick sheep skin ones but boy does it take some drying!! Thought I was being nice to Harry and his back with something more comfy but it's not very good for me. Harry is still as greasy as ever, it is driving me insane :barnie I've still not bathed him and I have no excuse really as we have a wash room down at the yard with hot running water so I must get my backside in gear and get him done. No excuses now, I WILL get him done! I have to admit too that I've not ridden much lately, I really should with him being in more at the moment. Keeping him going more would help but with one thing and another I just haven't. Weather has not helped, we are fair weather riders so with all this rain there has been no chance.

Yes these pullets have not sold well at all, still have 2 left and would have had 4 left but I gave my mother 2. Had lots of enquiry about them but folk just don't turn up or mess me about, coming to see them and then not turning up. I have room for these 2 that are left so in no big panic if they don't go. Egg laying has pretty much ceased at the moment, only the little cross frizzle pullet is laying well. Even the warren (Brenda) and the Amber (Ginny) have been sporadically laying. I may have to buy some eggs!! Oh no!!

I hope your pullets and all your flock will be ok :fl Mareks is one scary thing. Not ever had it in my flock and I hope never to as well, from what I have read about it, it is an awful thing to have. I hope you stay mareks free.

Good job on your cockerels, making a start is always the hardest part. I'm sure they will be delicious fro a few meals. I was thinking about maybe incubating some different breeds next year for a more meaty male. Would not be as much of a waste then. Not fully decided yet on what would be best to do.

Think that's about if for now but I'm sure when I've posted this I will think "Ooh I should have posted that"

Speak to you soon and fingers crossed any mareks stays away from you :fl
Hi Queenie,

My Brenda was sold as warren but are in essence a sex link. I've also seen them advertised as ginger nut rangers or red Rangers. They have many names, here is Brenda after she came to us from my mothers as her dog had got her. Thankfully she recovered and now lives with my polish and my Amber Ginny.


I have cats and I have to say I've had no trouble with them and the chickens. The chickens chase the cats!!
Yes I have pekin hen and a barbu duccle cockerel and 3 hens, and hopefully would love to breed them and show them off
im new to all this chicken raising only got the chickens a month ago so im a beginner so I would live all the help I could get

Lovely breeds, what are your hens?

Everyone here to help with any questions that you have :thumbsup

Think choke is catching on this thread, Harry had it yesterday afternoon again :barnie
Was just eating his readi grass when he came in and that was it, CHOKE!! Thank the Lord it cleared on its own after an hour so no vet bill, phew!!
Bit annoyed really after he has just had that dental work done. No more readi grass for him!
Oh gosh, that' must have been very worrying, especially after your last experience with it. It's so difficult to figure out with choke when you are at the point you need to bite the bullet and get veterinary help, My previous experiences had all been relatively minor and they were scary enough but that last one with Rainy was a very close call. If it had been at a more sociable hour, I might have called the vet but it was an out of hours call to a muddy field, late at night. Thank goodness I had my sister I could ring and talk it through with and he cleared it himself. Rainy is the one with the stepped up back tooth like Harry so maybe that has something to do with it. Or maybe they are both just a bit too enthusiastic about their food!
So pleased it resolved itself and hope there are no ill effects.
It certainly was Barbara, I just couldn't decide what to do so I gave the vets a call and they said to wait a little longer to see if it would clear. I'm glad I did now, I had terrible visions of the last time popping in my head. I am wondering if it is the step in the teeth :idunno He was not a happy bunny at all ~

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