Ultimate Treat

I've given tuna since before my first hen laid, and have not noticed any sort of fishy taste. I heard flax seed can cause that taste as well so I've avoided that but they love the tuna and I haven't tasted a difference
My chickies love it when they see me coming with a shovel - have you ever tried to dig enough fishworms for treats for 40 pushy chickens? They also love the garden when I don't get fence closed back up in time after I have been in there working - tomatoes are one of their favorites. Of course who could forget grapes? They will run over each other for grapes. Actually, if I give it to them, they love almost anything!!!! They go nuts when they see me coming out with left over parrot seeds too! They free range most of the daylight hours so they come running to the back door whenever they hear it slam! We always have to keep something around or we get mobbed! They make me smile!
The love just about anything I bring them. But their absolute climb over the chickens in front of them to get it treat is shredded mozzarella cheese.

I've had a couple of the higher ranking hens actually YANK the bag o' shredded cheese out of my hands.
grapes and blueberries for sure....

they only recently tried spaghetti and liked it, but didn't LOVE it. they also enjoy yogurt, which i find interesting since it's more tart (i don't give them the sweetened kind).

tomato guts are always a hit around here too!!
They love FOOD!
Hard to pick first choice - corn, lettuce, scratch, grapes, melons, hot grain and veggie mix, worms, - I could go on and on.
They act as if they hadn't had a treat for months - even though they get them several times a day or more.

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