Unusual Fowl Pox - Necropsy Results

It seems Mrs. Pickles is on a 1-month schedule for fowl pox. This time the lesion is starting at the edge of her eye. She's swollen and the vet gave her meloxicam to help with that & any pain. She weighs more now than she has in the past 6 months, so that's an excellent sign.
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I'm glad that's all it seems to be too. She definitely slows down when she has a lesion. I'm sure she doesn't feel good. She doesn't go too far away from the coop door and will only cross the yard if she's following me. The pupil doesn't change size in that eye, so she probably has vision problems.
Here are pictures from yesterday, very swollen & white spots in front are scars:


Here is a photo of the other side of her face, white spots are scars & sher eye looks very strange:

This is the inside of her mouth, I assume normal:

I'm sorry about the condition of my hands. Broken foot = no pedicures = no time for just a manicure. Clearly, I need to take the time.

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Here are photos of the currently bad side from last night:



Here is a photo of the other side:


We are incredibly blessed she is under the care of a wonderful veterinarian. All that can be done is pain management & try to control the swelling, both with meloxicam. If it gets infected, we can treat that. I took her in a couple of days ago and her temperature was over 109. The thermometer only goes that high. She's still gaining weight.
It does look pretty swollen, but I trust your vet will take very good care of her. You are lucky to have such a great avian vet! :) Gaining weight is a very good sign! I don't know much about Fowl Pox, but her mouth looks pretty normal. I enjoy seeing your updates so we know how she is doing. :)

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