Updated photos of my australorps and new chicken tractor

A friend of mine says that they are REALLY broody. Are they? I want a broody breed for hatching chicks but I don't want them to be too expensive either. I've been researching these and they seem great for the job.
I have 2 australorp hens that are just starting to lay. I've said many times that they are the most perfect "hen" looking hens I have ever seen. Big, fat and fluffy! Friendly,too. I get an egg every other day from each of mine and they're perfect brown eggs. I have a couple in the incubator with either a brahma or sumatra dad.

I love the tractor! Wish my hubby was that motivated!
We haven't gotten any eggs yet.
still waiting. Should be any time now. So, I don't really know if they are broody or not. But so far I love everything about them. I will pass on the compliments to my hubby. I know he will appreciate them. and no doubt says "Thank You!", and I thank you too!!
I have a one year old hen who has been laying steadily. I noticed this weekend that everytime I went out to the coop, she was sitting in a nest box, usually the same one but I did notice one time that she had moved one over. I then remembered that she was there the night before when I went out to shut the door, that she was in a nest box, which is unusual at that time. I finally got the hint yesterday and took her out of the nest box with her being very PO'd. when I went out to shut the door at 8:00pm, she was back with the rest of the hens.
We have nine Aussy's Four roosters and five hens. They are 21 weeks old and just started laying pullet eggs. You have all hens they don't look anything like our Roosters.
I have Australorps and they are such nice birds. It looks like yours are all hens.
Your husband is a fantastic welder. Everything looks so neat and finished.
One thing I can say about our Australorps is boy can they fly. A six foot fence is nothing for them to breach. So, I was glad to see your run is covered.
YAY!!! SOOO glad to hear you all think we have all hens. I kept going back and forth and round and round about it. Not that it would be the end of the world, but I was really hoping for all hens. So, YAY!!!

Yes, we learned early that it seems no height is too high for them. We are using a shade cloth I picked up at a dog show. It provides shade, but doesn't hold water yet doesn't allow the rain to just pour down on them either. It is a great topper for the tractor or dog run. I was planning on clipping their wings because my mom is deathly afraid of them otherwise. When she was young(around 6yrs old) she had a rooster fly onto her head, grip on like the devil and continually peck at her head. It was very traumatic and now she will sit and watch them in their tractor, but not if they are out ranging the pasture. Unless I can assure her they won't fly. The only way I see to do that is by clipping their wings. But we have never bothered. And she is fine just watching from a distance. I will say though, these ladies are a Very friendly bunch and I can pick them up and do pretty much anything to them if need be. It is a perfect match for our family. Our neighbors kids, my son, my dad, and my husband have found sheer delight in feeding them grasshoppers. I can't tell you how endearing it is to watch my dad(who grew up on a farm) go out and tend to the chickens, sweetly bringing them grasshoppers and worms and such.

I am secretly planning my husbands next welding project - an elevated bathing station for grooming my dogs and a new set of kennels etc.
he will be very busy this winter I think.

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