Updated photos of my australorps and new chicken tractor

:aww I am sorry you have no chickens. That is really sad!!
Maybe you will again soon? I am hoping you will.
That would be nice.

Hmmm, getting on their friendly side? I started by handling them often as chicks. I would say spend as much time with them as you can. Offer them better than average treats whenever you approach them and visit with them. They will quickly learn that You mean delicious things to come. Pick them up and hold them in your arm and pet them until they calm down. When you set them down let them go calmly, try not to let them go in a panicked state. That ought to do the trick. The great thing about chickens is you can talk to them and tell them whatever you want to. They get to learn your voice this way, and if you accompany that with food so much the better. Then all they need to do is hear your voice and they will perk up to see you coming. They ought to get a little more friendly the more they get to know you and learn the new routine at their new home. Good luck!!!

Thanks too for the dear compliments on my healthy hens and hubby's handiwork. He really is so thoughtful. Recently I was away and he had stopped at a garage sale. They had for sale two chicken decorations(wall decorations) that he bought and put on the chicken tractor. I will take pictures later today to show you, but it was a really neat suprise and sweet of him to do for me. Guess this means I have to keep him around a little longer, eh? har har har...
Beautiful tractor... hmmmmm my boyfriend welds;)

Your australorps are beautiful! I have 4 of them , 2 I bought that were older and already laying. They lay for me almost daily and right through the heat here in the summer. I average about 13 eggs a week from those two.. nice big brown eggs. The other two I have are 4 months old so they should start laying next month.
They are my favorite breed, mine are friendly, if your's arent the best way to make friends is to give them treats ( mealworms are a fav here)

Also I've never had mine fly out of the run, mine's 5 feet tall but its really large so maybe that is why. Clipping the wings is really easy though, just clip one side. I wouldnt recommend it if you are free ranging though as they can't get away from predators very easy.


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