*Updated* Stove pipe feeder, PICS inside. with other feeder links.

I hate when I do stuff like that.

But it doesn't have to be perfectly round. esp if you use the 5 gallon bucket lid method.

Good Luck and Happy building.


Well they sit in a dirt run and my girls like to scratch. So they put the dirt in them. These pics were first thing in the morning after it rained all night, hence the mud and no feed.

My girls dont' get pampered much. I work a 50 acre farm and they free range most of the day. I feed them about 4 qts of scratch every day and they fend for themselves for the rest of what they need. Mostly helping themselves to the treasures the horse and cows leave around the barn.

My little barred girls prob wouldn't know what to do if they were clean. Def not show birds.



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