URGENT - Please help! Duck has prolapsed vent

If you cannot find preparation H, do try the sugar solution, or honey. Something to get the swelling down. Cool compress, an epsom salts compress.

Keep it moist, try to reduce the swelling.

Signing off now.
Good luck to you! I hope your poor ducky heals. Thinking of you.
Thank you all - going to put the preperation-H, epson compress etc on her now. Then going to bed and will check on her in the morning. Without a vets help I am very overwhelmed and not feeling overly confident about this.

I appreciate so much everyone caring and helping. You are all awesome...
Went to the store, got all the meds and wrap, etc. Cleaned the 'bulge' again, applied Preperation H, and attempted by best to wrap it. I couldn't get the wrap to stay on...it just kept falling off.

I'm in tears over here...I want to help Minnie so much and I feel like a failure. I had to put her back in her cage with no wrap.

I expect that the bulge will still be hanging there in the morning. If there is no improvement...I think we will have to put her down. I don't want her in pain and tomorrow is the last time we could take her in to be put down until next weekend. I dont want her to sit like that for a week...I hate decisions like this.
Went to the store, got all the meds and wrap, etc. Cleaned the 'bulge' again, applied Preperation H, and attempted by best to wrap it. I couldn't get the wrap to stay on...it just kept falling off.

I'm in tears over here...I want to help Minnie so much and I feel like a failure. I had to put her back in her cage with no wrap.

I expect that the bulge will still be hanging there in the morning. If there is no improvement...I think we will have to put her down. I don't want her in pain and tomorrow is the last time we could take her in to be put down until next weekend. I dont want her to sit like that for a week...I hate decisions like this.
Such a hard decision. You're doing everything you can, and that's what counts in the end. Hopefully the Preparation H will help. You say that you can take her to be put down on the weekend--does that mean you have a vet who at least knows a little about ducks? Maybe, even if this vet isn't a bird expert, he or she could give you some antibiotics or other remedies for Minnie. Have you asked yet?
Checked on her this morning and the bulge looks the same size.
When I take her in to the vet this morning, I will ask him if there is ANYTHING he is willing to do...however, he ageed to put her down just to be humane and because I am a good customer...they do not treat farm animals at all.

What a bummer I as hoping the bulge wuld have shrunk a bit. Minnie was standing in her cage when I checked on her.

Another question...if she doesn't make it...what do I do for her mate Donnie (drake)? He is in a pen that butts up against 2 chicken pens. Can he live alone over there since there are other animals around? I think I read that ducks can't live alone..? Another problem is that he is crippled/hanicaped. His legs have never been right since shortly after he started growing...I gave him extra niacin, cornmeal, etc but it only helped a little bit. His hips turned outward and his legs where severly crossed. He improved slightly over time and he manages to get around and doesn't seem to be in pain but he is not 'normal'. Would another duck pick on him? Minnie grew up with him.

Sorry for the 20 questions...

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