
Oh my gosh! You guys are freakin' hilarious!!!!

You guys are TOO much!!

Okay, Sundance... if Happy doesn't want your little pullet, then I'll take her=) I'll have to ask Aunt Hattie if she can stop on her way up in September there, too, I'm starting to feel like a big mooch, because I already asked her to stop at Cynthia's and pick up her Wheaten Ameracuana pullet... sheesh, It'll just be free eggs for everyone early next spring I guess=)!!
ROOSTERS>>>Headed your way. Tonight. Be warned.


I may only have one rooster left but I am not afraid to use it

Cynthia you are too funny lol!
I have a couple extra roosters! They are even the *fancy* type. LOL!
Can we guess?? huh? Pleeze? Ok, I will guess anyway...let's see, you mentioned your Auraconas, I wonder, small? Let's see, Seramas?
I like games! My guess is Olandsk Dwarf eggs?
Sasha, that is so funny to see your goats playing on the ramps. I wish they ate thistle, I'd buy some in a heartbeat. Really nice of you to catch those steers. I'm sure the owner really appreciates it. I would like to see the fence they jumped. As a new cow owner in a town with a fairly intolerant attitude to loose cows, I am really interested in good fencing.

Whittni, congrats on the bunnies!

Welcome, 6kidsfarm!! I'm thinking your wife *may* notice 20 chickens. Just maybe...

Red, thanks for posting the pictures. I was really curious to see the white silkie after hearing Sundance talk it up.

Sundance, I love how your chickens appear to be studying their ribbons quite intently. I'm so sorry your NN got hurt. I hope she feels better soon. I got a huge kick out of the Cal Ranch story. Everyone will be surprised by your mystery eggs but me! I love being in on something.

Hattie, those eggs are beautiful!!

Happy, that is so sad about the missing chicken. Scary on the near miss. I bought some poultry netting on amazon for about $35-$40, and it seems really great.

Cynthia, those are beautiful green eggs. Are they easter eggs? Congrats on the new pullet laying.

Quit talking about you all hatching together. It makes me want to break out my incubator and try. My marans is not very good at fertilizing yet (seems really awkward, even more so than usual), but all of my chicken's eggs seem to be fertile now.

I had a really difficult day at work today, but I think things are pretty much resolved AND I closed on two houses today, which is AMAZING. After everything, I went to Sundance's house to pick up the lavender. She still seems to be in rough shape. I don't think it's injury anymore, which scares me. I'm a bit worried that it's possibly west nile virus.

I'll try to remember to take pictures of the pasture fence tomorrow. It's field fence that's probably only 40", and then there's a barbed wire strand running about 6" or so up from that. Just guessing on heights. It's a very old fence and may have been taller back in the day. :)
Well you are right on the way...AND Cynthia IS really asking for it tonight......
Oh! Oh! Stop on your way through and pick me up! I'll go roostering with you! Man, that would be FUN!
Sphinx, for every 1 rooster that shows up on my porch, you will get 2 in return lol

Or we can join forces and gang up on Cynthia :D :ya

Seriously now, guys, what is up with all this hatching. You guys are relentless. We are going to have chicks for halloween instead of Easter ha! You need to be hatching black and orange babies.
Daloorashens, if I go to Cynthia's before Hattie I will let you know.

I will be in Idaho next Saturday the 18th then again the first of September for the SE Idaho fair....if any chickens need to head that way.

Sasha--OLANDSK DWARF?? :lau
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I think I just figured out part of why I'm feeling down. I can't add any more chickens to my flock right now! Waaaaaah! Everyone keeps getting hatching eggs and new chicks and chicken swaps...........I need to hug a chicken. Why are my chickens all in bed?!

I'm going roostering tomorrow. One of you is gonna get it........

Ooh! Can I come?! I'll bet it's a lot more fun than TP-ing. And I'm sorry you had a nasty day at work!

We are going to have chicks for halloween instead of Easter ha! You need to be hatching black and orange babies.

Hmmmmm, that is actually a tempting idea.........

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