
What do you guys all use to heat water? I bought a metal water fountain and just got my Farm Innovators heated base, but it states not to use an extension cord, which I will need to use. And also where can I safely place it in the coop? I'm afraid that it could catch fire if straw or something falls on it. Any thoughts? Does anyone use this base? If not I will ship it back and get something else.

It depends on how many chickens are in the pen. For my largest group I put one of those 44 watt flat foil bird bath de-icers ($18.16 with free shipping on eBay) on a cinder block (holes up so the heater doesn't overheat) and placed a 3 gallon waterer on top. It's in their run. The whole coop is wrapped in clear plastic so their "outside" is now "inside" sort of. The sun heats up the run now that it's wrapped so that helps, too.
We caught our rogue turkey!! I have some incredibly awesome, understanding people in my neighborhood, and thanks to them, we were able to figure out where the turkey was roosting tonight. I scared a poor little old lady by ringing her doorbell at 9:30 at night, and had it not been for the neighbor next door (whose yard I was combing) I wouldn't have been able to get in the elderly neighbor's yard. We found the turkey roosting 20 feet up in a big old pine tree. The neighbor pulled out a telescoping ladder, I climbed up the tree with a borrowed fishing net in hand (I do NOT like ladders!) and managed to scoop up the bird. Then I got her stuck in a branch fork when she jumped
Spent several minutes trying to extract her while in a very precarious position, got pretty dizzy, and finally got her to the ground. I was afraid for a minute that I'd broken her neck, because she was in the net head-first, but she was okay. We thanked the neighbors and got her home, and that little booger that has made my heart so sick for the past five days is now safely confined in the chicken run, where I KNOW she can't get out. She is going to get her wings clipped, her leg banded, and I'm putting more netting on the turkey run.

What an answer to prayer! I have my baby back.
LOL!!! Oh, what drama! You've given your neighbors something fun to talk about at their Thanksgiving table for sure. I'm happy you got her back. Silly bird.
We caught our rogue turkey!! I have some incredibly awesome, understanding people in my neighborhood, and thanks to them, we were able to figure out where the turkey was roosting tonight. I scared a poor little old lady by ringing her doorbell at 9:30 at night, and had it not been for the neighbor next door (whose yard I was combing) I wouldn't have been able to get in the elderly neighbor's yard. We found the turkey roosting 20 feet up in a big old pine tree. The neighbor pulled out a telescoping ladder, I climbed up the tree with a borrowed fishing net in hand (I do NOT like ladders!) and managed to scoop up the bird. Then I got her stuck in a branch fork when she jumped
Spent several minutes trying to extract her while in a very precarious position, got pretty dizzy, and finally got her to the ground. I was afraid for a minute that I'd broken her neck, because she was in the net head-first, but she was okay. We thanked the neighbors and got her home, and that little booger that has made my heart so sick for the past five days is now safely confined in the chicken run, where I KNOW she can't get out. She is going to get her wings clipped, her leg banded, and I'm putting more netting on the turkey run.

What an answer to prayer! I have my baby back.

Oh Red I am so happy for you. Glad she is home
It depends on how many chickens are in the pen. For my largest group I put one of those 44 watt flat foil bird bath de-icers ($18.16 with free shipping on eBay) on a cinder block (holes up so the heater doesn't overheat) and placed a 3 gallon waterer on top. It's in their run. The whole coop is wrapped in clear plastic so their "outside" is now "inside" sort of. The sun heats up the run now that it's wrapped so that helps, too.

I have 18 lovely ladies outside, I do have 3 gallon metal double layer fountain, would that work? And can I leave it outside of their coop in a covered area, we are just worried about the fire hazards that's all. Thanks!
Oh Red, so happy you got your girl back. I am guessing she is more happy than you realize to be home too! Did she eat a lot when she got back? Little stink! I have to say, I'm with Lisa, chuckled a bit as I was reading your story, but then you went and said the dizzy word..oh man, I could feel it! Glad you are both ok!

Sphinx..babies for you too? Mine hatched. The one with the stripe on it's head is Brians. Keeping it until he has a few of his others hatch so she won't be alone. Didn't do as well with this hatch..same gal.

paw..love your avatar!!

My babies..and the one of Brian's.

Tiny. :)
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I have 18 lovely ladies outside, I do have 3 gallon metal double layer fountain, would that work? And can I leave it outside of their coop in a covered area, we are just worried about the fire hazards that's all. Thanks!

I'm not sure about this particular water heater, but the "heated" equipment that I've ever used just warmed up to a lukewarm temp, so enough to melt the ice but nowhere near hot enough to start a fire. Like I said, though, I'm not familiar with this particular one you've got. Sorry

I don't use water heaters (yet) in the winter, though I do have a heated bowl I can plug in, if needed. I just check my girls' water twice a day, break up any ice, and run the water bucket/container under enough water to thaw it and dump the ice. Then I refill it. It's a little more work, but I don't have to worry about multiple cords going out into the preserve.
I have 18 lovely ladies outside, I do have 3 gallon metal double layer fountain, would that work? And can I leave it outside of their coop in a covered area, we are just worried about the fire hazards that's all. Thanks!
If it's out in their run, I don't see how it can be a fire hazard. I'm comfortable with it. It's actually safer than using a light bulb which I've done before. You aren't worrying about a bulb breaking this way and it's cheaper than the heated waterers or bases. I prefer to have their water outside so I'm not adding additional humidity to the inside of the coop. I have a heated dog water bowl in one of my other pens. That one is inside.

A metal fountain should work fine.

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