
hey, does anyone know how to vent sex ducklings? rather... does someone in Utah County know, that would be willing to come take a peek? lol   I just got 10 Welsh Harlequin ducklings, and they have a 90% accuracy for bill sexing, but the person never did that... so yeah... it'd be nice to know so I can figure out which ones I'm keeping.... :)

(Today would be awesome... but totally understand if not...)

I don't know how to vent sex them, but you can voice sex them pretty well. With my mallards at two weeks, the girl was noticeably louder than the boy. And I believe that with WH's, the girls will have darker beaks.

Are you keeping all of the girls?
I don't know how to vent sex them, but you can voice sex them pretty well. With my mallards at two weeks, the girl was noticeably louder than the boy. And I believe that with WH's, the girls will have darker beaks.

Are you keeping all of the girls?

yeah, i am thinking between brian and i we will be keeping all of the girls in the bunch, since we don't know how many there will be. They aren't to the age of voice change yet.... and there is a possibility i could still discern which ones are female by beak color.... i just wondered if anyone knew how to vent sex, and could come show me.
Still in search of EE pullets. Anywhere from 3-5 weeks old. I really would love one to add to my flock! I can't find any anywhere. Let me know if you want me to take one off your hands
If you can find a chicken train or like to drive, I have golden and blue tailed golden olive egger pullets available in Paul, Idaho.

Last year I was so silly, and wondered if I'd ever be lucky enough to get a broody hen. Tonight marks my third this year. Ha ha Oh, the irnonies of life. This broody is an EE. I'm new to the breed, anyone out there ever had an EE go broody. I don't think I've ever heard if one.

My ee was broody in the window well when I got home from AZ I was surprised because she had never been broody before
If you can find a chicken train or like to drive, I have golden and blue tailed golden olive egger pullets available in Paul, Idaho.
Thank you so much! They are beautiful birds, but I'm not able to get down there or pay to get the bird to slc. I'll keep searching :) I'll get my EE one day. My husband says I have enough chickens anyways haha. Thanks again!
pawtraitart- do you have true ameracaunas for sale?
I don't have any right now but I'll have some here and there over the summer. I need to hatch for replacement wheaten/blue wheaten pullets so I'll be hatching late into the season. As long as my hatches are good, I'll let some chicks go and of course I'll have extra cockerals. (wheaten/blue wheaten and blue/black mottled ameraucana) I don't have a time frame, though. All extra chicks are posted on my qcu poultry facebook page.
I don't have any right now but I'll have some here and there over the summer. I need to hatch for replacement wheaten/blue wheaten pullets so I'll be hatching late into the season. As long as my hatches are good, I'll let some chicks go and of course I'll have extra cockerals. (wheaten/blue wheaten and blue/black mottled ameraucana)  I don't have a time frame, though. All extra chicks are posted on my qcu poultry facebook page. 

Ok, thanks for the reply!

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