
Mmmm we wanted a silkie but I love Bantam Cochins . . . also the wife had wanted a full sized cochin will they be sexed or straight run? Looks like I might have to head down to SF to Cynthia's to get a SLW and Orp then up to your place to get some Cochins if you sell sexed.

I live in Orem Cynthia. So not too far away. Let me know when you get those chicks in Feb in.
Mmmm we wanted a silkie but I love Bantam Cochins . . . also the wife had wanted a full sized cochin will they be sexed or straight run? Looks like I might have to head down to SF to Cynthia's to get a SLW and Orp then up to your place to get some Cochins if you sell sexed.

I live in Orem Cynthia. So not too far away. Let me know when you get those chicks in Feb in.
Will do, the Orpingtons are white. I had one in my first flock..just loved her.
I brag up how healthy my IFA chicks were, but in the interest of full disclosure, 4 of my chicks (the EE) came straight from the shipping box into my box- they never did go into the IFA brooders. My SLW was a day or two older, and was in the brooder box. None of them had pasty butt.

They made sure they gave all the chicks a drink before they'd sell any to me.
I'm beginning to think that all stores are different in the way that they sell them. I know that the Spanish Fork IFA stores chicks look good, but that Provo one..oh boy!
i talked to a guy at cal ranch and he said he thinks they will get chicks in around early march but he could be wrong
Yep I was at the IFA in Salt Lake today and they said they should have chicks next month. I was surprised!...............Now I get to see if the horror stories I'm hearing on here hold true for that location
I hope not!
I'm beginning to think that all stores are different in the way that they sell them. I know that the Spanish Fork IFA stores chicks look good, but that Provo one..oh boy!

Yep. I've only seen healthy chicks at the Draper IFA. They also have different brooders than some of the other IFAs and the brooders are by the register.

And the Riverton one, I'll just leave it at no comment. That's the most positive thing I can say.
Ok, going to check my eggs that are due to go into lock down. Crossing fingers...I hope I don't put some in that have already quit, and then have problems during lock down. Candling time...I'm nervous!
Oh, I hope you have some that look great. I'm hoping one of my babies is in there- you have a lavender amer. in there, don't you? I'm hoping for a pullet from you.
Okay I know it's a long shot, but do any of you know of a reliable person who builds coops? I have pored and poured over coops online and none of the ready made ones really fit what I want. They use chicken wire, not very much headspace for chickens, etc. I really like the idea of the clean coop (www.cleancoops.com) but my DH does not have the time to build one (really, he doesn't) and I have no ability and with 4 young kids I don't really have the time either.

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