
Hello Ut. I am in Magna. Have spent almost a year getting ready for chicks. First all the research, then coop planing (plan design and build my own) and now waiting for my first chicks. Not doing the hatching thing. Want to get chicks and work from there this time. Have been reading this group for awhile now and figure it is time to join. even watch chicks online cam (family calls chicken pron but they will watch also). I am hoping to get chicks soon. So far none of the feed stores have any. Well that is me. 2cats 1 dog 1 teenager few dozen fish (5 I hope soo chicks) and 1 very understanding wife (she thinks I am carzy).

We have a new egg! ChickenDad.....

You will love the chickens. More than the cats. LOL...maybe about as much as the dog. I am thinking you will still love your wife and teenager a whole lot more though. I have fish. I don't love them. I just have them..oh, that's terrible. Sorry. I do enjoy them, and my grandkids love watching them. Hope you come on more and enjoy the company!
Ouch, that's crazy! Looks like I should check out what conditions they have the chicks in at both the Lindon IFA and the AF Cal-Ranch as mileage may vary from store to store but leaning towards the Cal-Ranch at this point. The IFA in Lindon is still pretty new, only been open about a year and last year I think they only got chicks in a few times and were always sold out by the time I popped in to take a look.

Or, you could always come get some of mine. I have someone on here that's wants my silver ameraucanas..I will only have a couple hatch from the first batch it looks like, but the second batch is looking great. I have 4 barn yard mixes in because I got some from a friend for a friend that has a broody. She took 4, I kept 4. They will be sex link. Plus, I have Silver Laced Wyondotte chicks coming, along with Spekled Sussex, rose comb brown leghorn, New Hampshire's, white orpington, and also some pure Auacona, not Ameraucana's. They will be all pullets, and will be here on the first part of Feb. Hoping they all arrive safe and sound, but sadly, that doesn't usually happen. We'll see what arrives well. Plus, I have a guy that is sending me 12 to 15 chicks because we can't seem to get his eggs here in time..too long out..now I'm really worried about those babies! But he said he would send them out Tues. because I haven't had any luck getting the eggs or getting them without the weeping or breakage. Nice of him! Penciled Partridge Rocks! Beautiful birds.
Plus~~you live in Lindon? Or close by? I live in Spanish Fork. I will have chicks for sure by the first of Feb. if you are interested.
Ouch, that's crazy! Looks like I should check out what conditions they have the chicks in at both the Lindon IFA and the AF Cal-Ranch as mileage may vary from store to store but leaning towards the Cal-Ranch at this point. The IFA in Lindon is still pretty new, only been open about a year and last year I think they only got chicks in a few times and were always sold out by the time I popped in to take a look.

I haven't been to either of those stores, but I like your plan.

It really was a horrible, disheartening experience. Especially because I didn't even go there looking for chicks, I just needed something else. I only even looked in on the chicks because of my friend's experience. There was one who's pasty butt had back up and exploded it's intestines. It just sat there on it's side twitching and dying.

I haven't been to either of those stores, but I like your plan.

It really was a horrible, disheartening experience. Especially because I didn't even go there looking for chicks, I just needed something else. I only even looked in on the chicks because of my friend's experience. There was one who's pasty butt had back up and exploded it's intestines. It just sat there on it's side twitching and dying.

See, I remember going into an IFA in Provo, saw so many pasty butts, it made me really upset. I went straight to the woman at the counter, and told her about all the chicks that has bast butt. I know they know what that is. She looked at one of the guys working there and said, oh, you better go take care of those.
At Cal Ranch, at least at the one in Spanish Fork, they have someone right there watching the chicks, and actually telling the kids not to touch. If they don't catch one at it, and I'm there..lol..I say, ooops, not supposed to touch. Kids don't know, they are so cute and tempting to snuggle on, I'm talking about chicks here, but kids are fun to snuggle on too.
Our IFA had a few with pasty bum too. I think maybe those little short brooder boxes with heat right under/over them....dries the poop right on their bum. Cal has the big bins, but there was lots of room to run around and get away from the lamps which were overhead, not under their bums :) I think at CAL I would just make sure the ones you choose are running around and looking healthy. Or go to Cynthia's house :)
Our IFA had a few with pasty bum too. I think maybe those little short brooder boxes with heat right under/over them....dries the poop right on their bum. Cal has the big bins, but there was lots of room to run around and get away from the lamps which were overhead, not under their bums
I think at CAL I would just make sure the ones you choose are running around and looking healthy. Or go to Cynthia's house

Go to Cynthia's house!

I think they also put that electrolytes in their water..which makes their poo a little on the runny side..and if that hits that fuzzy hair on the bum, then it sticks, and yep... even better with heat lamps!
I brag up how healthy my IFA chicks were, but in the interest of full disclosure, 4 of my chicks (the EE) came straight from the shipping box into my box- they never did go into the IFA brooders. My SLW was a day or two older, and was in the brooder box. None of them had pasty butt.

They made sure they gave all the chicks a drink before they'd sell any to me.
In Febuary I will have many breeds of chickens for sell if you are intersted.
I will have:

- frizzles
- EE
- bantam cochins
- Golden Laced cochins
- Appenzeller Spitzhauben

I live in Herriman, will have a link to the page I am selling them on in Febuary. (Ksl.com)
In Febuary I will have many breeds of chickens for sell if you are intersted.
I will have:

- frizzles
- EE
- bantam cochins
- Golden Laced cochins
- Appenzeller Spitzhauben

I live in Herriman, will have a link to the page I am selling them on in Febuary. (Ksl.com)

welcome maybejoey..but on the other hand....
ok, so folks not so close can go to maybejoey..lol... hmmm, what color of bantams? Cochin bantams are my favs! Just the Goldens? They are pretty!

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