
well i think i cursed it when i said they are not sleeping on the nest boxes because i had one girl sleeping on them tonight
Okay I know it's a long shot, but do any of you know of a reliable person who builds coops? I have pored and poured over coops online and none of the ready made ones really fit what I want. They use chicken wire, not very much headspace for chickens, etc. I really like the idea of the clean coop (www.cleancoops.com) but my DH does not have the time to build one (really, he doesn't) and I have no ability and with 4 young kids I don't really have the time either.

I'd volunteer my husband, but he has almost no time, he's recovering from foot surgery, and is going to be in and out of town a bit for the next few weeks which means his time will be even more limited.

I've seen quite a few people post KSL ads about building custom coops. I bet if you were to contact them and say that you want a coop that looks a certain way, and you'd provide materials, they'd do what you wanted.

I am so sad. Went to the above thread and there are videos of workers in hatcheries, awful stuff...inhumane conditions. So I am boycotting hatcheries. I thought I would post this in case anyone was interested---we have been talking about this, I never had a bad experience really BUT my chickens have had some bad behaviours and this thread explains that nutrient deficient hens produce eggs with chicks that want to eat feathers, and even be cannibals (Had one, had to get rid of it) because they do not get the protein they need. Something to think about...I myself am thinking I will let my girls get older and move on and am replacing them as I go with breeder's chicks from this site, I have had terrible feather picking problems and I have about had it trying to seperate, re-introduce, etc.....this may or not be the reason but it is something to consider? Anybody have any thoughts on this? It was pretty convincing....but more than that(even if this is bogus information on the nutrient/feather hunger issue) I feel like I do not want to support businesses that treat the chicks so inhumanely. I probably should not have watched this video, it made me awfully sad =( Now you know where to find it if you are interested...but it is really hard to see.
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Come up to the Rocky Mountain Chickenstock on May 5 in Idaho Falls.. We will have lots of chicks from a bunch of BYC breeders to choose from and you could win a dozen rare breed hatching eggs from Greenfire Farms in the raffle!!!
I am so sad. Went to the above thread and there are videos of workers in hatcheries, awful stuff...inhumane conditions. So I am boycotting hatcheries. I thought I would post this in case anyone was interested---we have been talking about this, I never had a bad experience really BUT my chickens have had some bad behaviours and this thread explains that nutrient deficient hens produce eggs with chicks that want to eat feathers, and even be cannibals (Had one, had to get rid of it) because they do not get the protein they need. Something to think about...I myself am thinking I will let my girls get older and move on and am replacing them as I go with breeder's chicks from this site, I have had terrible feather picking problems and I have about had it trying to seperate, re-introduce, etc.....this may or not be the reason but it is something to consider? Anybody have any thoughts on this? It was pretty convincing....but more than that(even if this is bogus information on the nutrient/feather hunger issue) I feel like I do not want to support businesses that treat the chicks so inhumanely. I probably should not have watched this video, it made me awfully sad
Now you know where to find it if you are interested...but it is really hard to see.
I read through that thread but didn't watch any videos. My problem is that I cannot have a rooster and most breeders sell straight run, which is fine I get it, but I don't want to go through raising chicks just to have a bunch turn out to be roos. If anyone has a good solution to this I'm all ears. :)

(We don't have any chickens yet but we will be getting chicks this spring. I was hoping to get some from SunnyBrooke Farms when they get their orders in...but I am just so conflicted as to what to do. I know that legbars are autosexing and there is a farm in Utah that has them but I've emailed her multiple times about them and never heard back. I could go with sex links, but I really want a variety of chickens so my kids can tell them apart and get connected to "their" chick.)
I am so sad. Went to the above thread and there are videos of workers in hatcheries, awful stuff...inhumane conditions. So I am boycotting hatcheries. I thought I would post this in case anyone was interested---we have been talking about this, I never had a bad experience really BUT my chickens have had some bad behaviours and this thread explains that nutrient deficient hens produce eggs with chicks that want to eat feathers, and even be cannibals (Had one, had to get rid of it) because they do not get the protein they need. Something to think about...I myself am thinking I will let my girls get older and move on and am replacing them as I go with breeder's chicks from this site, I have had terrible feather picking problems and I have about had it trying to seperate, re-introduce, etc.....this may or not be the reason but it is something to consider? Anybody have any thoughts on this? It was pretty convincing....but more than that(even if this is bogus information on the nutrient/feather hunger issue) I feel like I do not want to support businesses that treat the chicks so inhumanely. I probably should not have watched this video, it made me awfully sad
Now you know where to find it if you are interested...but it is really hard to see.
Oh sweetheart, is this the first time you've gotten around to seeing this? There are plenty of worse ones out there, trust me, you don't want to watch any more. I did. I am not saying this because I want folks on here to buy my chicks, but I know how most places are. I love Meyer hatchery. They will sell their chicks straight run, their place looks clean, and yes, I realize they could be showing only "the good" but I will try and post them. You can read up on their how they got started, and how they care for the birds. I am not sure, but I don't think they sell their birds to large comapanies..like IFA and Cal Ranch. I have been hatching from breeders for years now, and love it when they go to good homes. I know when they have problems, they won't suffer for hrs. when something needs to be done.
Another thing to think about..is..what about that dog and cat food that says in it's ingredients..chicken mentioned first..beef mentioned first..lamb mentioned first..ads saying the best thing for your dog is the dog food that has meat as the first ingredient. I buy cheap dog food, then give my dogs eggs, :) left over meat, and other table food they can eat safely. There are some things that dogs can't eat. When, did dog food come into the picture? Years ago, no dog food, just scraps from their people. Well, the dog food I buy is a great filler, and yes, has some nutrient..anyway, I will try and find that link for Meyer Hatchery. Small owned.
I don't have problems with the chicks that I hatch. They do the regular pecking order thing, but none have been overly mean. That's the truth.
Found it..it's the first video..note the amount of chicks they produce a year, compared to Ideal..900,000 compared to 4 million! And note the size of Ideal..to the smaller Meyer...love them.. http://www.meyerhatchery.com/
And yes, McMurray does it similar..they use small baskets and "people" to separate them, not machines. And, like Meyer, they sell the rooster chicks. http://www.mcmurrayhatchery.com/index.html
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Okay I know it's a long shot, but do any of you know of a reliable person who builds coops? I have pored and poured over coops online and none of the ready made ones really fit what I want. They use chicken wire, not very much headspace for chickens, etc. I really like the idea of the clean coop (www.cleancoops.com) but my DH does not have the time to build one (really, he doesn't) and I have no ability and with 4 young kids I don't really have the time either.

where you located at
Oh, I hope you have some that look great. I'm hoping one of my babies is in there- you have a lavender amer. in there, don't you? I'm hoping for a pullet from you.

Shinx, I am seriously hoping that I get even one to hatch..I know when I candled, I was sure about one blue egg, the air sacs are crazy! I've had them go up one side before, and even up both sides a little before, but not like this. I am wondering how they are going to have room to turn, then again, I guess they wouldn't have to with the air sac right there! The problem being, they do make a turn though, it's instinct. Just crossing my fingers until Thursday.
Did you get your BLRW set?

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