
Let me share tonights saga. I have 4 birds in various stages of bumblefoot healing, I started with the worst one who is also the most wild. It was late inthe evening so brought her in the bathroom, cleaned her feet, soaked them in the solution once she of course pooped ....multiple times. Then on to the next one, my poor moulting girl, feathers everywhere. On to my slightly less moulting, spazoid Red. She is almost done with the process when I see egg leaking out of her. My first paranoid mom thought "oh my gosh I broke an egg inside of her!!!!!" no wait, there is a piece of soft shelled egg on the ground too.....ok, not as bad as I thought, trying to get her cleaned up, what is hanging out of her vent, pulling it out, a long ribbon of...the rest of the totally flexible and fabric like egg shell? I am exhausted.

I have been working on two hens also with bumble foot. The first one really let loose when we got started on her. Better now that when we change the bandages, they are used to it, and, it doesn't take as long.
Man Lisa, I wish you were closer, I would take those Marans eggs.   :/ 

Me too, haha. As naughty as that is when I'm waiting for Spring.

Lisa, your Sebrites are so cute! How nice of RJ to visit you with a present :D

SideWing, I can appreciate your passion for the quality birds. I have my blue and black Wyandotte girls, and I love them, but I can tell by their shape and some other features that they aren't SOP. I have been a little interested in the GLW of late, too. They seem to be getting less common. I look forward to seeing how your project goes :) I admit that the quality of hatchery SLW lacing is one reason I have avoided them.

I'm new on BYC. I live in Davis county. I just wanted to say hello. These are SLW chicks from eggs I bought found on KSL.
LOL Cynitha, I am not sure I am making progress on the 'wart' but I think I am feeling better in general and I've noticed my gout is in somewhat better check. I would try it on the dog, old or not, might help. Also I was a thinking and a smiling today, regarding the responses I received regarding flock block and C.O.B. I think it very cool that you can quarry the board on most anything… and get the thoughts of others whom have used and or tried said (in this instance) feed. So I want to thank those of you whom have helped with my inquiries. Also the-bird-man saved me $40.00 on the BOSS I wanted to fill my storage containers for winter and needed to mix up in the scratch concoction I like to feed. That from a single simple tip on price.

On the other hand some things, like the flock block, you just have to try if you want to know. Yea or Nea… you at least have an answer. When ever I find myself stuttering and stammering over a feed or such, it tends to just hang in the unfinished business part of my mind, I need to house clean that area. Try it, get an answer, good or bad, move on. BUT I should note, that what works for me, may not for you, and of course the opposite is true as well. Still it is good to get a range of evaluations from the kind folks here.

Thanks for the reply Sidewing, and as Red noted the SOP are lacking in some of the hatchery birds. If you want true type you will most likely have to find a breeder of quality stock. AND if you have to pay that ton of money to ship them to you. One needs to just swallow hard and do it. (See stuttering & stammering note above) All hatchery birds are not bad, and heavens knows there is a place for them in the hobby. A great place to start and find what it is that does something to your inner sweat spot. I can feel Sidewings pleasure clear up here in Cache Valley, and I am as pleased as could be for him and his project. Lisa today reminded me that I don't like puffy heads nor feathered feet. Which at its base is true. But I suppose what I mean is that they are not the type of birds I choose for my home/personal flock. I like all chickens, egg colors and etc. et al. I like that many of you like the sizzle, frizzle, showgirl, birds, and I certainly support everyone here in the breed(s) and type they wish to keep. Personal choice is a American as apple pie.

Lisa's birds are lovely, and her roosters are most magnificent. I am always impressed with the lady's knowledge of all things chicken. I will have to admit it was fun to 'enable' her into a twofer. You guys are always killing me with your, try one of these, take two of this kind, how about some free hatching eggs, want a bird in Logan but live in Spanish Fork, lets fire up the ole chicken bus… I could go on.

I got part of the roof on my bath house today, might be finished this week yet.

Best to all and your birds,

LOL Cynitha, I am not sure I am making progress on the 'wart' but I think I am feeling better in general and I've noticed my gout is in somewhat better check. I would try it on the dog, old or not, might help. Also I was a thinking and a smiling today, regarding the responses I received regarding flock block and C.O.B. I think it very cool that you can quarry the board on most anything… and get the thoughts of others whom have used and or tried said (in this instance) feed. So I want to thank those of you whom have helped with my inquiries. Also the-bird-man saved me $40.00 on the BOSS I wanted to fill my storage containers for winter and needed to mix up in the scratch concoction I like to feed. That from a single simple tip on price. 

On the other hand some things, like the flock block, you just have to try if you want to know. Yea or Nea… you at least have an answer. When ever I find myself stuttering and stammering over a feed or such, it tends to just hang in the unfinished business part of my mind, I need to house clean that area. Try it, get an answer, good or bad, move on. BUT I should note, that what works for me, may not for you, and of course the opposite is true as well. Still it is good to get a range of evaluations from the kind folks here. 

Thanks for the reply Sidewing, and as Red noted the SOP are lacking in some of the hatchery birds. If you want true type you will most likely have to find a breeder of quality stock. AND if you have to pay that ton of money to ship them to you. One needs to just swallow hard and do it. (See stuttering & stammering note above) All hatchery birds are not bad, and heavens knows there is a place for them in the hobby. A great place to start and find what it is that does something to your inner sweat spot. I can feel Sidewings pleasure clear up here in Cache Valley, and I am as pleased as could be for him and his project. Lisa today reminded me that I don't like puffy heads nor feathered feet. Which at its base is true. But I suppose what I mean is that they are not the type of birds I choose for my home/personal flock. I like all chickens, egg colors and etc. et al. I like that many of you like the sizzle, frizzle, showgirl, birds, and I certainly support everyone here in the breed(s) and type they wish to keep. Personal choice is a American as apple pie.

Lisa's birds are lovely, and her roosters are most magnificent. I am always impressed with the lady's knowledge of all things chicken. I will have to admit it was fun to 'enable' her into a twofer. You guys are always killing me with your, try one of these, take two of this kind, how about some free hatching eggs, want a bird in Logan but live in Spanish Fork, lets fire up the ole chicken bus… I could go on.

I got part of the roof on my bath house today, might be finished this week yet.

Best to all and your birds,


RJ I love your input and questions on here they get me thinking about new things. What's that saying about old dogs and new tricks? It's a good thing. I am very glad you are on this thread you add some awesome ideas and a lot of fun to our group :D Thanks for the compliments on my birds :D They looked so bad this summer, I'm glad they are getting their mojo back and starting to look like real chickens again haha!
Heehee, Lisa, you should see the scruff muffs I've got right now! My birds are so ragged. It happens :)

Welcome, lazyacre! Your chickies are very cute and fluffy :)

RJ, speaking of all the enablers here, how about trying an Icelandic or two? ;) Hahaha couldn't help myself.

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