
Thanks for the welcome. My SLW chicks are from my first hatch ever. I recently bought a hovabator genesis. I set 120 quail eggs and 7 SLW chicken eggs. We hand turned the chicken eggs. The quail eggs were in the auto turner. The quail eggs were shipped. I hatched 3 SLW chicks. One passed away the next day. And 30 quail chicks with a quail chick passing a way couple of days later. I was hoping for a little better hatch. Two of the quail eggs hatched on the 15th day with a few more hatching on day 16 with the most hatching on day 17. We ran the hatch at 99.9 degrees at 50% and 70-80 % at lockdown. What temp and humidity do y'all run when your incubating? I'm trying to figure out if I should do something different the next time. I know I should candle more but I'm still trying to figure out candling.
Thanks for the welcome. My SLW chicks are from my first hatch ever. I recently bought a hovabator genesis. I set 120 quail eggs and 7 SLW chicken eggs. We hand turned the chicken eggs. The quail eggs were in the auto turner. The quail eggs were shipped. I hatched 3 SLW chicks. One passed away the next day. And 30 quail chicks with a quail chick passing a way couple of days later. I was hoping for a little better hatch. Two of the quail eggs hatched on the 15th day with a few more hatching on day 16 with the most hatching on day 17. We ran the hatch at 99.9 degrees at 50% and 70-80 % at lockdown. What temp and humidity do y'all run when your incubating? I'm trying to figure out if I should do something different the next time. I know I should candle more but I'm still trying to figure out candling.

Hey, that isn't a bad hatch actually on shipped quail eggs..even with that many, that's why they send so many.

Well, your humidity is way high for hatching chicks and quail. During, incubation time, I only go around 30%, for lock down, usually only 55 to 60%. You must have gone with the bator instructions. That's old school. Boy, that humidity you used is more for ducks and geese. Temp is right if you are really that close to it. In these bators you can go to 100 and be good. I DO NOT go with the thermometer that is on the outside of the bators, Not sure if you have that. Go with one you have bought and is inside the bator.
Your babies are cute. I think the SLW are very pretty. Next time you incubate, try using the much lower temps in the beginning, and during lock down. Bet you do better. Still, like I said, not bad for quail eggs!

Lisa, I have frizzle/silkie mix in right now, due to hatch just before Halloween..for the HAL. Then a lot of EE and F1 OE eggs in due the first part of Nov..so just after the HAL, but really still going on at that time because a lot of folks couldn't get eggs until later. Can't wait to see the EE's and OE's. Those eggs are gorgeous.
RJ, let me get a picture of my Icee cockerel, Loki. I think you'd like him. The two hens I have left look similar to Lisa's Lagertha, and I'm pretty sure one of them is her mother. I too am a fan of the BBR look.

Agh, you guys are making me want to hatch eggs! I wish my Icelandic girls were laying right now, because it's so addictive to see what colors of chicks I'll get from their eggs. Staaaap it.

(Three of our eggs pictured with a Jumbo Brown from the store and a quail egg)

At long last, our late april/early may chickens have started to lay! I'm fairly certain these eggs belong to one or both of our Black Australorps (but I won't know for sure until I catch them in the act).
I am extremely pleased with them, even though they are tiny! The shells are nice and hard. They have a good shape to them. Not much to complain about other than the girls still sleeping in their nest box whenever we keep it open for the night.

Can't wait for our Ameraucanas to start laying! I want to see some blue eggs in there!
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Congratulations, eggsbert! You'll probably see those eggs increase in size a bit as the girls age :)

Say, just for curiosity's sake, has anyone here ever tried the Java breed of chicken? I've seen mottled Java chicks available on rare occasion at IFA, but other than that they seem quite uncommon.
Hey, that isn't a bad hatch actually on shipped quail eggs..even with that many, that's why they send so many.

Well, your humidity is way high for hatching chicks and quail. During, incubation time, I only go around 30%, for lock down, usually only 55 to 60%. You must have gone with the bator instructions. That's old school. Boy, that humidity you used is more for ducks and geese. Temp is right if you are really that close to it. In these bators you can go to 100 and be good. I DO NOT go with the thermometer that is on the outside of the bators, Not sure if you have that. Go with one you have bought and is inside the bator.
Your babies are cute. I think the SLW are very pretty. Next time you incubate, try using the much lower temps in the beginning, and during lock down. Bet you do better. Still, like I said, not bad for quail eggs!


Thanks, we were following the bator instructions. I'll go with lower humidity next time. Part of me wants to try again soon. But the other part says its getting colder and my family doesn't want to keep the chicks in the house forever. And my chicken math is exploding. I should wait until spring. But after one time incubating I think I'm hooked. Hopefully early spring my Crested Cream Legbars will give me some hatching eggs.
Congratulations, eggsbert! You'll probably see those eggs increase in size a bit as the girls age


Also, do you guys have any tips on caring for my bantam frizzle cochin in the winter?
So far, she's been a tough little cookie. She's been out in the rain and mud, refusing to accept that she's smaller or different than the other chickens. No signs of illness in her.

Unfortunately, our coop and run are on the north side of the house and won't be getting a lot of sun in the winter, so not a lot of basking spots.
I've gone through and redone the bottom of the coop to help it drain better (it had been pooling water in the center). The roosting area is small, allowing our birds to be able to heat the space better at night.
I'm considering adding sand to help keep it dry for her feathered feet, but other than that I'm at a loss of how to keep her dry in the snow.
congrats on the new eggs. I still waiting on my early may Australorps to give me some eggs. Hopefully they will give me a egg or two soon. Since I'm pretty new to chickens I not sure of any good advice for your Bantam. Hopefully she will learn to get out of the cold when she needs to.

Red, I sure like your Loki and Autumn. Those Icelandics are pretty. I love the all the different colors you see with them. I had never heard of Java Chicken so I looked them up. They are pretty interesting being one of the first chicken in America. My problem is now I want one.

Cynthia, I'm excited to see pics of your chicks when they hatch.

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