
Ace, no worries :) It all worked out fine. I'm so glad to have my babies
Still trying to figure out who's who, but it's all good!

Hey RJ, when you were inspecting the cargo for quality purposes......are you sure the chicks all went back into the correct boxes? I could swear that the two from IFA are a Barred Rock and an Australorp. However, you will not hear me complaining one bit! I absolutely love them all :) And I see you appreciate my White Rock. I have named her Marsha-mallow, and she gets the award for being the first to poop on me

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!
Red… please don't swear. And anything is possible coming from IFA. I know this from personal experience, but I love all chicks. I think I got them all back in the right box(s). But perhaps anything is possible coming from RJ as well? Time will tell.

Won't go into too much detail here… but spent more time trampling in the snow today than ever this year. Seems that some of my 'newer' birds are a bit sneaker that even I believed. I know now, by the hard lesson learned to respect their ability to travel upon the top of my fresh snow.
Quite the winter event…

Hope everyone had a nice enough day, I am beginning the count down to spring, today.

          I think I am just about ready for a group of chickens.  I was going to order some Cornish Cross but, in re-reading the order-form I would have to order 100 of them at a time.  That is so not going to happen.  My plan was to get 10 or so, grow them for 10 weeks, or so, Pack them off to camp while I start with 10 more for 10 more weeks and have them all put up by the time the Deer hunt starts.  
          What would you all suggest for a beginner chicken person who just wants a flock of meaties to begin with?  

     I know a few people on here love to incubate, do you sell them on KSL? here? What do you do with them?
   I guess what Im getting at is,  I would rather buy chicks from people on here than IFA if anyone is selling yummy birds, that will get reasonably big in 10 weeks or so; not beautiful & friendly pets or layers. 

Also, for anyone interested in incubating, I have duck eggs that are likely fertile, though not tested.  If you want to try your hand at ducks, let me know. 

We bought 50 Cornish X at Cal
ranch spring before last. If you buy them from there you can get as many or as few as you want.

Ours grew to about 17lbs live weight average and were only 13 weeks old. if you get some, only allow food during the day, clean out the pen often(they poop a ton), and don't put off harvesting them. There bodies can't support their weight gain. We tried waiting an extra week and within two days we lost 20+ birds to heat attacks. I thought it would be hard to harvest them but since they were having heat attacks and couldn't hardly walk anymore, it became rude to keep them alive. If you need to put of harvest, we had some suggest putting water pills and asprin in their water to help their hearts. If we wouldn't have had the losses those last few days we would have had meat around $1.50 per pound, instead of around $2.8. Next time we will harvest early and sacrifice some grown to save full chickens worth of meat.

Good luck with your endeavors.

Edit; make sure someone is holding their wings when you harvest them. Ours would break their wings and fill the breast meat with blood. Not something you want to eat.
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Last thursday or friday I stopped at the IFA in American Fork and they had the chicks. Did I say AF last time?


I got an email saying that TSC would get chicks in by today. Nope, now it's the 29th. No one wants to go early around here. :/
But, TSC won't sell less that 6 chicks at once. I only need two.
I would like to introduce to the group my NEWEST additions. I'll have to get the names down from Red, but the head Icelandic rooster and two of his fine three hens are setting up shop in the big coop. He is a most striking bird. It does not hurt that he has caught Special K's heart either. I believe that they might even know they are further north…

Red was a most gracious and generous host of our meet. I enjoyed our too short of a visit, but was glad to meet her just the same. Chicken folks are just nice and for the most part real folks. I do like that. I'll try to add a few more shots of the birds and their first nights lodging. I do so enjoy the tone and pitch of the the crow of the new man of the place.

Thank you so much Red. Now my "Viking Farms ~ Hard Feather Bantams" is a true statement.


I might have played with the cargo… how could I not?
Oh my goodness, that rooster is beautiful. And, we know what you mean about that Whitney. Most of us have had the pleasure of meeting her. A wonderful person to chat with.
Lucky little baby chicks, getting the attention already. :)
anybody sale Cornish cross hatching eags around here??? I would love to hatch some
I have dark cornish over dual purpose hens, but they won't grow out as fast, or probably quite as big as the chicks you buy. They just don't have the years of selective breeding behind them. But I am interested to see how these work out.
I have dark cornish over dual purpose hens, but they won't grow out as fast, or probably quite as big as the chicks you buy. They just don't have the years of selective breeding behind them. But I am interested to see how these work out.
I would love to buy some hatching eggs from you if you have any for sale
I would love to buy some hatching eggs from you if you have any for sale.
Awesome. I removed the other two roosters from in with these birds about a week ago, so in another week or two, I'll be confident that the father of any fertile eggs was one of my two dark cornish roosters. Just let me know what time frame you are thinking.

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