
You can get them at different stores. I used to use the exacto knife, or how ever that's spelled...like she is using. You can find them in places like Home Depot..maybe even the grocery. I know that grocery stores have the gloves, the cloth, and usually the wrapping is in them too. Don't forget the Neosporin. Without the anti-biotic in it. Just the original kind. I'll see if I can find a photo of my RIR's that I did.

Interesting that they both got one at the same time. Opposite feet though.

Oh, that is white tape I personally like to use over the elastic wrap. Sticky white tape, in the health isle, in store. That's where you will find most of your items. :)
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You can get them at different stores. I used to use the exacto knife, or how ever that's spelled...like she is using. You can find them in places like Home Depot..maybe even the grocery. I know that grocery stores have the gloves, the cloth, and usually the wrapping is in them too. Don't forget the Neosporin. Without the anti-biotic in it. Just the original kind. I'll see if I can find a photo of my RIR's that I did. Interesting that they both got one at the same time. Opposite feet though. Oh, that is white tape I personally like to use over the elastic wrap. Sticky white tape, in the health isle, in store. That's where you will find most of your items. :)
Thank you so much. I talked to my mom, and both of us are kind of squimish about it, and she said she would rather pay $100 for the vet to just do it. We will go tomorrow. We will have to pick up the wraps though. They seem perfect
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Two weeks before school starts again. Ack! Where did the time go? Well, my big girls are 17 weeks old today and are lovely.
Inspecting the weeding job,

My son and his Rhodebar. I can't believe how she enjoys being carried around. He will hold her for twenty minutes at a time and he is always the one to put her down. She doesn't get restless like the others do after a few minutes.

Our legbars have begun squatting, although they don't put their wings out. They do crouch down and don't move for a few seconds. Their combs and wattles have also exploded seemingly overnight. I do hope they lay for me before I go back to school, but we shall see.
Our dog, Greta, really wants the chickens to play with her so we have to be really careful and watchful when she is out. One of our black orps, Diana, will actually chase Greta and peck her.

Our littles are 12 weeks old this week and happily the bigs have stopped trying to attack on sight. Our BO/FBCM is really a pretty bird, I don't seem to have any recent pictures of them, so I will have to try to get some soon.

I am glad to have a bit of a break to the heat. I hope everyone is doing well!

Our Golden Wyandotte has turned out to be a Rooster! We can not have Roosters in our area. Anyone want him? We are in South Jordan.
Free RIR/Lavender Orphington cross rooster. I'm in St George off of Valley View. His name is "Niep" he is 3 months old and a total sweetheart.


Hi all just a reminder the county fairs are coming and to support them. I'll be at the Salt Lake County fair with a bunch of for sale chickens. Then the Monday after the fair I'm having my knee replaced YUK. Also there is a great TV show I found called Coop Dreams its on Chanel 286 direct TV but I imagine its on other services as well
My BO is under the weather. She has diarrhea and no appetite. Her comb is still vibrant red. She is is still laying. I added acv to her water but what else can I do for her? She won't eat her favorite treat. Do I need to quarantine her? She may also be starting bumble for on both feet.

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