
We have been out watching them Cynthia. Thanks for telling us about it. We do have some cloud cover here but we are still seeing the shooting stars.:)
Hattie, Yes I wussed out haha that is exactly it! So funny...but now I am relieved I made it through the weak moment. I think....
Cynthia, I had forgotten about the showers, I remember seeing that on the news...so I went out to look, sure enough I have seen a few. So glad you posted about that~! Hope you got to see some. Space/the universe is just amazing!
sundance...I guess, bantam faverolle?

My son and hubby see the falling stars, and I don't! Every time I come in, they say, you just missed one! :/

Yaaay, I saw some!
The very first one I saw was huge! I lucked out. It was very large, and it was moving really slow, it had a real fuzzy short tail to it.

Then I saw some of the real fast quick ones. One was real long...soo, if you guys come on and see this post, go outside, I think they are really starting to show up around here. Hope you don't have clouds. :)

no not faverolle
Moriah, I'll be headed to the Moab area. I've got some friends down there, and I love the area. Where are you headed to for archery?

That Moab area is pretty. DH goes there for muzzle. We're headed to Uintah's. We saw a few animals last week - there's no water there this year! Even the larger stream beds and ponds were dry. Last year there was water everywhere there, but witth the cold spring everything was about a month late so they were still up high and not gathering yet. Its going to be very different.

Cute truck!
Cynthia, have you looked in your yard closely yet? I WAS in Utah county yesterday... That egg is massive!!

DillyDally, sorry of the loss of your chickens. But, I think EE are my favorite breed, so I'm glad you have some.

Blujems, congrats on your wins!!! I'm surprised his comb is too high. He looks gorgeous to me.

Yeah, I caved and set. DH is going to be ticked when he realizes I set them to hatch right smack in the middle of Labor Day Weekend. Truth be told, if I'd realized that, I wouldn't have set. We usually go camping that weekend. Oh well. I don't expect a super hatch rate, four of the eggs in there have spent time in the fridge, and those lavender eggs are still awfully small, around 30 grams. My brown eggs are at least 45-50.

I wish I'd known about the falling stars last night. Yesterday was my dh's and my 17th anniversary, and we spent it at a vow renewal party in Utah County. Some friends of ours were celebrating their 20th by renewing their vows, so we were at a lovely outdoor party. I was too busy visiting with friends to look at the sky.

Chicken train note: DH and I will be headed to Zion on Thursday. We are happy to play chicken train, except that we'll be ACTUAL camping, and if anyone in Southern Utah wants to pick something up, you'd have to do it Thursday evening. Or, if they want me to drive something north, it'd have to be Sunday morning.
Ok, Sphinx, I'm guessing those blue eggs aren't coming from one of my lavenders? If so...wow. Nice size.

17 years? That is great Wendy. Can you believe it? Time goes by fast doesn't it? Congratulations!

You were in Utah county yesterday...going to check my back yard right now! I hear noises, but it sounds like hen egg songs..
Cynthia, yes, those eggs came from your lavender! They're still awfully small, but Sundance convinced me they could still hatch ok. We'll see. I'm unconvinced. But, if they do hatch, I can give them to you, as I'm sure they'd be olive egger- lavender ameraucana (teen) mom and fbcm (teen) dad? Absolutely.

Speaking of hatching, Sundance, are those eggs out yet?
I got a shock yesterday morning when I returned from Lake Tahoe. At 6:30am I heard the distictive sounds of crowing coming from my coop. Since I live in an urban area and can't have roosters, I jumped up out of bed and ran outside expecting it to be this little silkie fellow that everyone said was a roo:

Imagine my surprise when it was my special little white silkie:

I totally expected the golden but not a peep or crow from that one. Instead, there was the white one doing the "stutter crow"... you know the one.... where they try so hard not to crow and can't help themselves and then try to pretend it wasn't them! So, now does anyone have a home for a beautiful white silkie roo?

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