Valentine's Day 1st Annual Hatch Along

To clarify.......

If you sent me a pm to enter int othe Best Hatch Rate Contest you are automatically entered int othe Worst Hatch Rate Contest and any other contest i post. The only contest at the moment i have no info or control on is the Guess how many eggs set by all HAL members one.
Ok I got greedy. I'm seeing development in everything except 3 or 4 I set on the 24 and of course I added 4 more today. I'm done. No more adding.
I added another today. Couldn't help myself lol that makes for a total of 7. Hopefully I'll have a 100% hatch rate. We can always hope for the best as long as we are prepared for the worst.
Ok. I couldn't stand it any longer. I candled to find that 4 of the 5 set on Saturday all have a dark mass at the top of the eggs (the big end) the 5th egg just looks really dark, I can't see anything. The other 2 eggs of the total 7 eggs set I can't see anything bc one was set yesterday& one today. My question is, what are the dark masses? Are they the air cells? &how big should they be?
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I've even got good development in 3 of the 4 svart hona! :woot it's only been 3 days so I'm not putting anyone out yet! The broody hens eggs are all developing. She's gonna go crazy if all 15 hatch.
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I want in. I've been stalking this thread and I cannot stay away when I see that other people are also driven to candle their eggs at three days. I though I was the only one who could not resist. I set 9 blue wheaten ameraucana eggs and 7 blue splash marans eggs Saturday morning. I promised myself to set only 12 eggs, but somehow I ended up with 16 eggs. I'm extra excited about this hatch, its my first with my new Brinsea. I have always used my home-made incubator before.
I added another today. Couldn't help myself lol that makes for a total of 7. Hopefully I'll have a 100% hatch rate. We can always hope for the best as long as we are prepared for the worst.
There is not much to preparing for the worst ,0 chicks hatching. Just toss the dead eggs to the barn cat when they don't hatch. Then again maybe a through investigation would be in order if none of the eggs hatched.
I don't mess with mine much once they're set. I candle after 7 days sometime, mostly to remove any clears to make room for more. I candle on lock down day to remove any quitters. I check on the temp and humidity a couple times a day but other than that I leave them alone. I have automatic turners in them so no need to hand turn.

In a previous post I read about somebody having small pullet eggs. Has anyone ever seen a fart egg from a cortunix? Now thats small. I also used to raise zebra finches. They have tiny eggs also.

I plan to add more eggs this weekend just to have staggared hatches since isn't time to hatch anyway. I'd like to get a head start on it this year instead of hatching all summer. I have a couple of broody's that I plan to move to another pen and give some eggs to sit on. They may as well do something since they aren't producing eggs and earning their keep. I usually give them a big ol speach about paying their rent and they better get busy but I'll save it for the real slackers later. lol
I figure I'll check everything again at 10 days then I won't mess with anything until they hatch. Everything I'm incubating is under a hen or in my Brinsea with the the auto turner. I was just super excited over the svart hona eggs plus I had a pen of ohiki I was testing fertility on and it doesn't look good. :(

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