Valentine's Day 1st Annual Hatch Along

I'm out guys. My duck eggs where all infertile. I'm not really surprised. My hens weren't laying and a friend/client of mine offered me some duck eggs at the last minute just to be nice. She knew i was desperate! Haha:lol:
she didn't know if they were fertile. I guess not.:/

Good luck to everyone. I will still be lingering just for fun.
I'm out guys. My duck eggs where all infertile. I'm not really surprised. My hens weren't laying and a friend/client of mine offered me some duck eggs at the last minute just to be nice. She knew i was desperate! Haha:lol:
she didn't know if they were fertile. I guess not.

Good luck to everyone. I will still be lingering just for fun.

but maybe you will win worst hatch rate! Be positive man! (or uh, woman!
I was going to wait until tomorrow to candle, but I was too tempted after reading other posts. I have to turn my eggs by hand 3 times a day, so if I'm opening the bator anyway, it's easy to take a quick peek at a few! I saw a couple that may be clears, and a some wigglers! That just never gets old!
I'm so excited because to see life on them! I added a fan to my still air little giant and it actually seemed harder to get it to stabilize, believe it or not. I added a cheap computer fan I could plug in, not the kit you can buy for $40. But the fan generated enough heat to raise the temp several degrees. When I put the eggs in, it did the same thing. But all is good now, so hopefully they will keep up the good growing!
It's just about candling time for the chickens, so exciting...I'm hatching muscovy this HAL, I started out with 16 eggs and I'm down to 7 now. I don't know why I'm such a sucker for eggs that on the other side of the country, I have some wonky lookin aircells, but 7 little ducklings are still going strong.
I was going to wait until tomorrow to candle, but I was too tempted after reading other posts. I have to turn my eggs by hand 3 times a day, so if I'm opening the bator anyway, it's easy to take a quick peek at a few! I saw a couple that may be clears, and a some wigglers! That just never gets old!
I'm so excited because to see life on them! I added a fan to my still air little giant and it actually seemed harder to get it to stabilize, believe it or not. I added a cheap computer fan I could plug in, not the kit you can buy for $40. But the fan generated enough heat to raise the temp several degrees. When I put the eggs in, it did the same thing. But all is good now, so hopefully they will keep up the good growing!

This is my first time incubating, and I have been SO nervous about my temperature and stability. I am pretty sure I have stuck a thermometer in ever possible empty spot. The digital one that tracks highs/lows has had a reading of 100/99 most every time, and I still just can't seem to believe they will start growing. How many hatches until it isn't so nerve-wracking?

I was a little behind on getting my eggs (Sunday morning) so I am still sitting on m my hands and messing with them as little as possible... Congratulations on the "wigglers" that is the moment I can't wait for :)
This is my first time incubating, and I have been SO nervous about my temperature and stability. I am pretty sure I have stuck a thermometer in ever possible empty spot. The digital one that tracks highs/lows has had a reading of 100/99 most every time, and I still just can't seem to believe they will start growing. How many hatches until it isn't so nerve-wracking?

I was a little behind on getting my eggs (Sunday morning) so I am still sitting on m my hands and messing with them as little as possible... Congratulations on the "wigglers" that is the moment I can't wait for :)
My first time too, it's the waiting that is the hardest. I have found that I don't like to wait, but wait I will till day 7 to candle. I do however check on my eggs a couple times a day, ok maybe its more like 20 or 30 times a day and give them a little pep talk.
For first time hatchers and anyone else who may have never had it happen. This misplaced air cell is a result of me leaving the egg on the counter sideways and not turning it for a few days. Hopefully, it's close enough that the chick can still hatch. Thankfully all my other eggs were sitting in cartons, fat end up and I turned them 3x a day. I really had my doubts before if this would really happen, but now I know IT CAN!

My first time too, it's the waiting that is the hardest. I have found that I don't like to wait, but wait I will till day 7 to candle. I do however check on my eggs a couple times a day, ok maybe its more like 20 or 30 times a day and give them a little pep talk.
I look every time I go by... and I make several trips "by" just to look. Glad I put in a nice big window!

For first time hatchers and anyone else who may have never had it happen. This misplaced air cell is a result of me leaving the egg on the counter sideways and not turning it for a few days. Hopefully, it's close enough that the chick can still hatch. Thankfully all my other eggs were sitting in cartons, fat end up and I turned them 3x a day. I really had my doubts before if this would really happen, but now I know IT CAN!

Thanks for the heads up, and good luck with this little one.

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