Valentine's Day 1st Annual Hatch Along

It's just about candling time for the chickens, so exciting...I'm hatching muscovy this HAL, I started out with 16 eggs and I'm down to 7 now. I don't know why I'm such a sucker for eggs that on the other side of the country, I have some wonky lookin aircells, but 7 little ducklings are still going strong.
Who did you get your eggs from?
I'm out guys. My duck eggs where all infertile. I'm not really surprised. My hens weren't laying and a friend/client of mine offered me some duck eggs at the last minute just to be nice. She knew i was desperate! Haha:lol:
she didn't know if they were fertile. I guess not.

Good luck to everyone. I will still be lingering just for fun.
How do you know if they were infertile already? my ducks eggs took til day 10 until i could positively say they were not fertile...muscovy was day 14.
I did a quick candle tonight and it looks like out of 52 eggs only 3 may be clear and 2 of those looked to be beginning veining. That or they quit already. I sure hope when I candle again all is still going well.
I candled tonight and 13/13 Olive Eggers have good veining.
The Marans are difficult to candle this early, but I could make out possible veining in all 11 French Black Copper Marans.
I candled tonight and 13/13 Olive Eggers have good veining.
The Marans are difficult to candle this early, but I could make out possible veining in all 11 French Black Copper Marans.

Hope your Marans hatch. Mine are still too dark to tell. Crossies!!!!! My Roo has been less active the last few months, but he is starting to feel the Spring Air I think.

My Frizzled F1 OEs look good. The F2's are too dark to tell. And I am starting to worry about my Shizzle/Showgirl/Silkie eggs I can't see anything in them yet.
I did a official candle on all the incubator eggs except the 4 I set 1/27. I had 4 infertile of the 21 I set in the incubator on 1/23 and 1/24. So 17 still going strong. I'm pretty positive the 4 I set 1/27 are infertile but figured I would given it one last go! I'll check the broody eggs tomorrow for a final official fertile count.
Hope your Marans hatch. Mine are still too dark to tell. Crossies!!!!! My Roo has been less active the last few months, but he is starting to feel the Spring Air I think.

My Frizzled F1 OEs look good. The F2's are too dark to tell. And I am starting to worry about my Shizzle/Showgirl/Silkie eggs I can't see anything in them yet.

I've already had 2 hatches of BCMs this year. The first was 83% and the second was 100%.I am using a larger incubator this time around, but im expecting similar results. Fingers crossed!
I also use a 'Magicfly Bright Cool LED Light Egg Candler' that I picked up of Amazon that does pretty well on the BCM eggs, but I do have to be in a completely dark room.
I have one Marans egg I keep wondering if I should just toss down the hill....

It looks like it might be a double yolker.... and I don't want to incubate a double yolker... but maybe it isn't a double yolker!!!

And there is NO WAY I can see inside that egg!
I have one Marans egg I keep wondering if I should just toss down the hill....

It looks like it might be a double yolker.... and I don't want to incubate a double yolker... but maybe it isn't a double yolker!!!  :barnie

And there is NO WAY I can see inside that egg!

I wouldn't toss the Marans egg until lock down and only if you're positive it's clear.

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