Valentine's Day 1st Annual Hatch Along

That is AWESOME! 50 chicks a week! What do you do with all of those chicks!
Well...our farm is 300 000 acres and we raise chickens naturally (so like we dont feed them too much cause they free range...please i make sure some of the crops are full at night and 99.9% of the time they are!!!) and we want to start selling farm fresh natural eggs! do that we need LOADS of hens!! We are planning on getting between 3000 and 5000 hens! LOL...

shoot. My eggs didn't come in time. I'm going to call a lady tomorrow that was going to have eggs for me next Friday for pick up (I was planning a staggered hatch with already set eggs) and see if I can get them early. I am itching to hatch more biddies.


Eggs are IN!

COngrast!! Hope all goes well!! And to all the other hatchers as well!!!
I've officially gone crazy! My incubator holds 68 eggs apparently, but I stuffed 77 in there. I know some will be infertile and I'm certain the Legbar eggs will be quitters, so when it comes to lockdown I'm not worried about having too many eggs in there. I fired up the incubator three hours ago and it is only up to 83 degrees. I can't go to bed until it is stabilized!

This is what I put in. We had two roosters, so I'm not 100% sure on the parentage. Most of the hens are purebred.

Rooster: Crested Cream Legbar +
1 Wheaten Marans (in the center)
6 Ameraucana eggs
10 Red star
5 Red comet (old hen with thin shells)
8 Rhode Island Red
3 Black australorp (thin shelled eggs)
4 Speckled Sussex
9 White Plymouth Rock
5 Barred Rock

Rooster: Duckwing Turken/Wheaten Marans/EE +
2 Olive eggs from F2 BCMxAmeraucana (probably not fertile)
2 Wheaten Marans x pullet eggs
14 Crested Cream Legbar (not really sure who fertilized these eggs or if they are even fertile)

Rooster 3: Black Silkie (got some eggs from my neighbor) +
4 White Leghorn
4 brown eggs

And that adds up to 77
I'd like to join! I've been working on getting some EE and faverolle hatching eggs since before Christmas. I found this last on Craigslist within driving distance add I've been wanting both breeds. Actually, I wanted them for a Christmas or new years hatch along, but it's been delay after delay. I got them friday, but was waiting for the bator to stabilize. I kind of wanted to wait a few more days, but couldn't he'll myself. So I set them Saturday night. Then I went to the calendar to calculate their due date... Valentine's Day! How fun!

I set 15 eggs:
4 EE
4 EE x buff orp
1 salmon faverolle
6 white leghorn x mystery red/white roo

The 6 leghorn eggs are from my own chickens, just to increase the number of eggs on the hatch. Plus, I've never had success hatching my leghorns eggs yet, and I really want to. It will verify what color egg genes this mystery roo is carrying (at least if any pullets hatch).

This will be my 3rd hatch since November. My thanksgiving hatch was a disaster. I tried a dry hatch in colorado. All the chicks were dead in shell shrink wrapped. My Christmas hatch was amazing! I got 2 chicks from my welsummer covered by my mystery roo, 3 from my black star and same roo, and 5 mystery chicks. The guy who sold them said they were araucanas, but none of the eggs were blue so who knows. They looked chipmunk-y at hatch and have puffy cheeks/beards like EEs. Those chicks are 4 weeks old now.

I hope to get more faverolles next week for a staggered hatch.

Good luck everyone!
I'd like to join! I've been working on getting some EE and faverolle hatching eggs since before Christmas. I found this last on Craigslist within driving distance add I've been wanting both breeds. Actually, I wanted them for a Christmas or new years hatch along, but it's been delay after delay. I got them friday, but was waiting for the bator to stabilize. I kind of wanted to wait a few more days, but couldn't he'll myself. So I set them Saturday night. Then I went to the calendar to calculate their due date... Valentine's Day! How fun!

I set 15 eggs:
4 EE
4 EE x buff orp
1 salmon faverolle
6 white leghorn x mystery red/white roo

The 6 leghorn eggs are from my own chickens, just to increase the number of eggs on the hatch. Plus, I've never had success hatching my leghorns eggs yet, and I really want to. It will verify what color egg genes this mystery roo is carrying (at least if any pullets hatch).

This will be my 3rd hatch since November. My thanksgiving hatch was a disaster. I tried a dry hatch in colorado. All the chicks were dead in shell shrink wrapped. My Christmas hatch was amazing! I got 2 chicks from my welsummer covered by my mystery roo, 3 from my black star and same roo, and 5 mystery chicks. The guy who sold them said they were araucanas, but none of the eggs were blue so who knows. They looked chipmunk-y at hatch and have puffy cheeks/beards like EEs. Those chicks are 4 weeks old now.

I hope to get more faverolles next week for a staggered hatch.

Good luck everyone!
if the eggs weren't blue/green then they were EE and not araucanas. Isn't it exciting to set a batch of eggs only to realize that they hatch on a day like Valentines? Good luck with your hatch.
I set 8 Buff Orp, 8 Partridge Rock, 1 EE/buff Orp, 1 Wellsummer/PR, then grabbed what my mutts laid yesterday. So 1 white egg, 3 pullets (Welsummer/GLW) and 1 brown egg (maybe black Orp) covered by who knows which rooster.
So 23 in the bator here.
What did everyone set? I know a lot of people have said already but I'm just curious?

I set 6 swedish flower, 4 svart hona, and a large number of ohiki and ohiki/orpington cross. Excited!
I set 24 black copper marans. I can't hardly wait for them to start hatching. My daughter has been driving me crazy about wanting svart hona chicks.
What did everyone set? I know a lot of people have said already but I'm just curious?

I set 6 swedish flower, 4 svart hona, and a large number of ohiki and ohiki/orpington cross. Excited!
I set 7 Lavender Ameraucana, 3 EE and 26 will be mixes. AND Oh my gosh....they have hatching eggs at the auction today!! Some Orps, EE's, Cochin's and more!! Is today too late to add some to the bator? Hehehe

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