Valentine's Day 1st Annual Hatch Along

10 are out so far, about 20 more to go I hope. The power was off for a bit last night so these are are really really late.
2 are culls though. I has all of its intestines hanging out. It had just a bit when it hatched but now almost all of them are outside and the chick is clearly weak.
and lots of
If you entered the Best/Worst Hatch Rate Contests dont forget to send me a pm with your proof pics of either a lot of unhatched eggs or all your fuzzy butt chicks that hatched!!

The deadline is 2/21 at midnight ET
We dont know yet lol.... @RavynFallen is handling that contest...everything should be announced all at once with the list of those who won.

The prize day for all the contests is this Sunday Feb 22nd

We had some folks who got their eggs shipped late because of the weather and winter storms so we added an extra week onto the HAL so they would not have to be excluded from the contests.
Hi-dee-ho fellow Hatchers...
My chicken math skills are absolutely horrid. Lol! I was grabbing day '24' eggs to toss and found a PIP!
This is what I got for getting an F in math...

WOW! I call her my Franken-baby, Frankie for fecals n fodder! To top that off... while removing her shell I found this...

I set five, one was infertile, so now I have to continue to fret over the remaining three!
i still have a few hatching out-most still needing helped. that were due monday at 1:30 am. right now i have my first shipped d'uccles (2) helped half way and one still has noticeable yolk-includint the one that piped through a large blood vessel-it seems to be doing better, still not chatty though. i am convinced that part of the issue is that different areas of the brooder have different temps-despite the fan. i had 4 thermometers in there, and they almost never agreed-but they were slightly off to begin with. my surprise here is a sizzle-5 toes and all but with white skin.
Mine are set to hatch Saturday.... but could be Friday cause I could have sworn I might have set them on a Friday night. Who knows anymore. I had a good number of clears in these shipped eggs too. I'm not sure if the fertility rate was off or if they got a tad too chilled with the winter storm up north that held them up at the PO overnight an extra day...


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