Valentine's Day Hatch

She was quite patient........and VERY tame! I always expect a broken toe (or worse) in situations like that.

Yes she is very are all my ladies and some gents. She was coming to see me when the accident happened. I was surprised when she didn't flail around. That would have had a very different outcome.
I can't take a video at the moment. I'm on the Oregon coast on vacation for the week. If I shot a video of a fowl, it would have to be of me feeding the seagulls. Of course, I could be standing next to the "Please don't feed the seagulls" sign.

What are you supposed to do with leftovers when there are no dogs or chickens around?


Wow, I wouldn't know what to do with leftovers w/o other animals to eat them. I guess throw perfectly good food in the garbage so the coons can destroy the cans to get at the food.
Ever since the idea of a celebrity-chicken look-a-like contest I can't stop seeing celebrities when I look at my chickens. It's fun.

I have a NN chick that looks like that, from my Splash BLRW x NN rooster.
today is day 11 for me. i candled (for the second time) and pulled the non-fertiles.
in the bator i have:
2 gold phoenix
3 phoenix/ee cross
11 blue laced red wyandotte
3 silver laced brahma
4 who knows what
equals 23 for a Feb 10 hatch.

i set before you all but only because i didnt want my precious shipped eggs to sit out of an incubator any longer than they had to. its also nice to have hatch buddies to chat with. now i plan to leave the incubator alone til next wednesday when i check everyone for lockdown!!
Woke up this morning to an unplugged incubator. It's in a large 3 way plug and then into the wall. It also is behind my computer table legs. It was working fine before I went to bed. I fully blame the cats on this one. They've been nightmarish all night (from about 1230 to 430 when I got up - they're on a diet and think that if they are annoying enough mommy will get up and feed them - so I have a feeling my incubator and eggs suffered from their overnight insanities). The incubator was down to 70 degrees and really drippy since the fan wasn't on.

My cord moved partially out of the socket and stopped power some time yesterday morning, found it at 67 degrees!!! Today I candled a couple and still have movement, they survived! Not sure if it was me or the cat, but I taped the power cord to the socket to keep it there.

I candled at day 4 or so and thought I had 4 duds. But at day 7, only 3 duds! I tossed everything else... 7 eggs still going. My humidity won't stay steady. My temp fluxuated since it was gorgeous outside yesterday and husband started opening windows. We had a talk about that.

Good thing eggs are usually more resilient than we give them credit for!
*sigh*... I candled all of my eggs and out of 77, I have 48 left. Including 22(late) GHD eggs due Saturday.

I think I have 30 something Valentines day eggs left. Friday I'm buying a wafer and several egg racks for my old GQF hovabator. I'll do another hatch and work more matenance on my big HM cabinet incubator... I'm a bit bitter as of yet. NONE of my coturnix quail eggs hatched... I have hope for some of my LF eggs... namely 2 leghorns that I've grown attatched to bc I can actually still candle them.
These aren't the best pics, we were getting in a hurry as you can see the sun started going down on us fast, so I couldn't get pic of the inside yet, we still have some touching up to do but we worked on this all day Saturday and Sunday and my silkies loved it, they have so much more room now! It's 6x6 not including the nesting boxes that come out the back. I'm pretty excited about it!!!

This one is from the back, my bro in law put the nesting boxes low so I can reach in to get my eggs, I'm pretty short and couldn't reach in the other one, lol

I loooove the way you did the nesting boxes
!!! It keeps the rain off
What happy little silkies they'll be

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