Valentine's Day Hatch

wasn't this day 10? Guess I should candle and weigh. oh, wait. yesterday was day 10. Oops. Guess I should go candle and weigh and toss. Good thing I'm doing a small hatch!
Suppose in my defense I should say, was sick on Thursday, then went to town yesterday where I helped clean my parents house... just the way the ball bounces.

Ooohh, a rooster wooing the girls! My roos aren't in that mood. Being a family friendly forum, I don't think I should post the caveman type scenes that are occuring here.
lol, Caveman scenes. . .

Today I was planning to get some better courting photos than I currently have (just a couple blurry ones) but I was gone most of the time, by the time I got back home it was nice and sunny but being so north most of the pasture was already shaded over and dark, so, no courtship, just guys and gals trying to follow the slowly disappearing bits of sun stretched over the place.

I think what I will catch tomorrow may be a bit funny looking though. My main "courters" are either a frizzled Polish or a Polish with an incredibly tall, squirrel-angled tail. Gosh that thing is beautifully brilliant green in the sun but boy is it ugly.
Not a squirrel tail fan, except on gamefowl.

( squirrel tail is the name for a tail at or over 90 degrees above horizontal if ya didn't know )
Illia your avatar photo makes me want to buy more hens... I only have half of your wheel of color. I need the blues and greens! Only have the Marans dark to the white.

12 days left on my itty-bitty Serama eggs!
Nothing stinks (except the ducks... but nothing stinks in the bator) so I'm leaving it, for now.

At the risk of toppling my tetris egg madness, I'm leaving it until lockdown, or it stinks, whichever is first.
Sorry I've been MIA, but I'm not getting any I had to hunt the thread down and I'm 3 pages behind!

Nothing stinks (except the ducks... but nothing stinks in the bator) so I'm leaving it, for now.
I had a stinker 2 days ago and had to do a quick sniff & candle....of course it was the 3rd to the last egg left to candle that was the stinker so I candled everyone and threw out 2 clears and 8 or 9 blood rings...and little Mr. Stinky of course.

I showed the DH the celebrity look-alikes and he laughed out loud at MRs Phyllis D. He also said no one should ever compare a chicken pic to Moe's sacrilage to make-fun of or say anything bad about the Three Stooges to him!!

OMG I was in no way making fun of or disrespecting The Three Stooges. I consider it an honor to have a chicken that has a resemblance to Moe Howard. They're my absolute favorite comediennes of all time!
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I candled, and Im down to eight
eight out of 27. Well i guess thats believable since 25 of them were shipped.........but I the two eggs I put in from my hens are doing just fine
. Its funny how we have five roosters, but only one breeds, the others try but once they mount, the hen starts screaming, then the king rooster comes and starts pecking him then chases the rooster away.
I candled a few last night when I added 36-ish eggs, and all the ones I checked are growing.
Im probly going to candle all of them on the 8th when my Duck eggs go into "lockdown". They came a few days early, and I didnt want them to sit all weekend.

If anyone on here can bake, please signup for the February Bake swap in my Sig!
SCG I hope those eggies make it! they are pretty hardy,don't know about shipped ones tho...
I have pulled two more barred rock eggs from John they never developed...clear. One had a blood squiggle just wasnt a ring but was was a flinger anyway... And six of Kari's are still going and looking great! Comeon Iowa Blues! We had Ten found a crack in one, pulled three more clears, MY little EE/iowas are both doing great!! Im gonna go candle my Barred rocks again I sure hope I get at least a few!

We set lots of eggs prior to the valentines set day,since some came in early we didn't want them to sit
SO we HAD set 24 for the hatch on Valentines day (My Anniversary).But have pulled some maybe alot....shipping? I was wondering, how we are calculating the hatch rate? just straight up from what you set originally? or once you lock down the eggs that are viable and calculate the hatch rate from that? which way? sorry just not sure.
Surely we don't have to count non-viable eggs in our hatch rate? I'm asking for the contest.
my 7 year old sure loves the 'flingers'. Sadly, he got two the other day and I will probably hand him another one today, which brings me down to 5. My dear husband offered some hens to a good friend, when I had all ready promised my extra hens to someone else.
Perhaps I should have put more eggs in the incubator for this hatch!

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