Valentine's Day Hatch

Wow my kitchen was a mess!
Well I'm back to 6 of 10 for the Serama... #7 was in the dud pile on day 4, then day 6 it looked like it had something going on. On day 11 that something was a blood ring so it got tossed.

But the others... strong movement and growing like weeds!
i think i am on day 18 today. i set the night of jan 20, anyone want to help me with my math? i candled 2 random eggs when i got home from work and i think there is still room to grow, but maybe it'll fill up in 3 days? i'm worried if i lock down today its too early, and if i lock down tomorrow its too late. my humidity has been 35-40% and temp 100-102 in a still air for the entire time. any ideas? should i go ahead and lock down tonight and hope for the best?
ok so we are counting the fertility rate as the hatch rate? Did I get that right? TOTAL eggs set is what you are counting from? CRAP I coulda used my eggs from here that werent shipped! I am out of the hatch rate race for sure
...cause I have pulled ALL but 2 barred rocks and they were clear or barely started and quit. There were 12 of Those the last two one is GOOD and one is iffy ughh
stupid PO! Fertility rate,hatch rate,wouldnt matter since several were fertile but quit...poor babies. ALL the ones I set prior and didn't wait seem to be fairing a little better...I have so much going on! we lockdown hot2pots tomorrow and Emvickorys have culled some for various reasons on both, prolly again PO issues. but still have over half on both EM sent 33 eggs and Hot sent 50+ I think around 50 have made it to this stage I will know tomorrow here is the eggs once they came in ALL at once...we waited a couple of day for the set date on Karis and Johns wonder if that hurt the hatch rate?


These are The eggs we set them all except the 24 for the valentines day hatch...This was 108 eggs and some were in the incubators already...I Have a hatching problem! chicken math....did it.

Well that explains my package from you from the swap... you're just trying to spread the madness. Little did you know I already had it.
mine will hatch close to Valentines day! :D they're due on the 16th. but I only have 19 eggs, under 3-5 hens.
3 broody silkies and 2 extra over nighters who like to sleep in the nest box
silly silkies always go broody in the winter, in Wisconsin! Brrrrr!
anywho, I have 1 roo in the pen that is splash silkie and the hens are 1 white, 1 buff, 1 splash, 1 blue silkie. 1 black silkie/EE, 1 splash silkie/EE, 3 brahma/EE (2 brown, 1 silver) and 1 red FRIZZLE cochin
I THINK theres only 2 frizzle eggs in there, I could be wrong. they are due a few days later.
good luck on your hatch!

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